Faculty and staff

Prof. Shuei-Liong Lin

Shuei-Liong LinProf.
  • Shuei-Liong Lin

  • Title(s):Prof.
  • Education:Ph.D., NTU
  • Expertise:Renal Physiology
  • Phone:(02)23123456 ext. 288235
  • E-mail:linsl@ntu.edu.tw

Cross-talk between pericytes and endothelial cells/epithelial cells in progressive organ fibrosis
Cross-talk between mesohtelial cells and submesothelial fibroblasts in peritoneal injury
Multi-potent stem cells and stroma cells in tissue repair, focus on kidney and peritoneum
Inflammatory macrophages in organ fibrosis
Trophic macrophages in tissue repair and regeneration
Pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease, focus on angiopoietin/Tie-2 system and trophic macrophages
Erythropoietin producing cells in normal and fibrosing kidneys

Laboratory Techniques
Genetically modified mice: Cre-loxP system, transgenic mice
Animal models: organ fibrosis (kidney, liver, peritoneum), glomerulonephritis, peritonitis, acute kidney injury, bone marrow transplantation
Virus-delivered targeting: adenovirus, retrovirus, lentivirus
Primary cell cultures: kidney cells, bone marrow derived macrophages
Molecular biology: RNA, DNA, protein
Tissue histopathology: immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence

Publication list

  1. Chen YT, Hsu H, Lin CC, Pan SY, Liu SY, Wu CF, Tsai PZ, Liao CT, Cheng HT, Chiang WC, Chen YM, Chu TS, Lin SL (2020, Jan). Inflammatory macrophages switch to CCL17-expressing phenotype and promote peritoneal fibrosis. J Pathol, 250(1):55-66.
  2. Chiang WC, Huang YC, Fu TI, Chen PM, Chang FC, Lai CF, Wu VC, Lin SL, Chen YM (2019, Feb). Angiopoietin 1 influences ischemic reperfusion renal injury via modulating endothelium survival and regeneration. Mol Med, 25(1):5.
  3. Shih HM, Wu CJ, Lin SL (2018, Nov). Physiology and pathophysiology of renal erythropoietin-producing cells. J Formos Med Assoc, 117(11):955-963.
  4. Lin YF, Lin SL, Huang TM, Yang SY, Lai TS, Chen L, Wu VC, Chu TS, Wu KD; National Taiwan University Hospital Study Group on Acute Renal Failure (NSARF) (2018, Oct). New-onset diabetes after acute kidney injury requiring dialysis. Diabetes Care, 41(10):2105-2110.
  5. Shih YC, Chen CL, Zhang Y, Mellor RL, Kanter EM, Fang Y, Wang HC, Hung CT, Nong JY, Chen HJ, Lee TH, Tseng YS, Chen CN, Wu CC, Lin SL, Yamada KA, Nerbonne JM, Yang KC (2018, Apr). Endoplasmic reticulum protein TXNDC5 augments myocardial fibrosis by facilitating extracellular matrix protein folding and redox-sensitive cardiac fibroblast activation. Circ Res, 122(8):1062-1068.
  6. Chou YH, Huang TM, Pan SY, Chang CH, Lai CF, Wu VC, Wu MS, Wu KD, Chu TS, Lin SL (2017, Apr). Renin-angiotensin system inhibitor is associated with lower risk of ensuing chronic kidney disease after functional recovery from acute kidney injury. Sci Rep 7:46518.
  7. Pan SY, Chiang WC, Chen PM, Liu HH, Chou YH, Lai TS, Lai CF, Chiu YL, Lin WY, Chen YM, Chu TS, Lin SL (2017, Mar). restricted use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agent is safe and associated with deferred dialysis initiation in stage 5 chronic kidney disease. Sci Rep 7:44013
  8. Cheng SY, Chou YH, Liao FL, Lin CC, Chang FC, Liu CH, Huang TM, Lai CF, Lin YF, Wu VC, Chu TS, Wu MS, Lin SL. (2016, Sep). Losartan reduces ensuing chronic kidney disease and mortality after acute kidney injury. Sci Rep 6:34265.
  9. Chang YT, Yang CC, Pan SY, Chou YH, Chang FC, Lai CF, Tsai MH, Hsu HL, Lin CH, Chiang WC, Wu MS, Chu TS, Chen YM, Lin SL (2016, Feb). DNA methyltransferase inhibition restores erythropoietin production in fibrotic murine kidneys. J Clin Invest, 126(2):721-731.
  10. Chen YT, Chang YT, Pan SY, Chou YH, Chang FC, Yeh PY, Liu YH, Chiang WC, Chen YM, Wu KD, Tsai TJ, Duffield JS, Lin SL (2014, Dec). Lineage tracing reveals distinctive fates for mesothelial cells and submesothelial fibroblasts during peritoneal injury in mice. J Am Soc Nephrol, 25: 2847–2858.
  11. Chang FC, Chiang WC, Tsai MH, Chou YH, Pan SY, Chang YT, Yeh PY, Chen YT, Chiang CK, Chen YM, Chu TS, Wu KD, Lin SL (2014, Jun). Angiopoietin 2 Induced Arterial Stiffness in Chronic Kidney Disease. J Am Soc Nephrol, 25: 1198-1209.
  12. Ren S, Johnson B, Kida Y, Ip C, Davidson KC, Lin SL, Kobayashi A, Lang RA, Hadjantonakis AK, Moon RT, Duffield JS (2013, Jan). LRP-6 is co-receptor for multiple fibrogenic signaling pathways in pericytes and myofibroblasts that are inhibited by DKK-1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110:1440-1445.
  13. Wu CF, Chiang WC, Lai CF, Chang FC, Chen YT, Chou YH, Wu TH, Linn GR, Ling H, Wu KD, Tsai TJ, Chen YM, Duffield JS, Lin SL (2013, Jan). Transforming growth factor β stimulates profibrotic epithelial signaling to activate pericyte-myofibroblast transition in obstructive kidney fibrosis. Am J Pathol, 182: 118-131.
  14. Chen YT, Chang FC, Wu CF, Chou YH, Hsu HL, Chiang WC, Chen YM, Wu KD, Tsai TJ, Duffield JS, Lin SL. (2011, Dec). Platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling activates pericyte-myofibroblast transition in obstructive and post-ischemic kidney fibrosis. Kidney Int, 80(11):1170-81.
  15. Lin SL, Chang FC, Schrimpf C, Chen YT, Wu CF, Wu VC, Chiang WC, Kuhnert F, Kuo C, Chen YM, Wu KD, Tsai TJ, Duffield JS. (2011, Feb). Targeting endothelium-pericyte crosstalk by inhibiting VEGF receptor signaling attenuates kidney microvascular rarefaction and fibrosis. Am J Pathol, 178(2): 911-923.
  16. Lin SL, Li B, Rao S, Yeo EJ, Hudson TE, Nowlin BT, Pei H, Chen LJ, Zheng JJ, Carroll TJ, Pollard JW, McMahon AP, Lang RA, Duffield JS. (2010, Mar). Macrophage Wnt7b is critical for kidney repair and regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107(9):4194-9.
  17. Humphreys BD, Lin SL, Kobayashi A, Hudson TE, Nowlin BT, Bonventre JV, Valerius MT, McMahon AP, Duffield JS (2010, Jan). Fate tracing reveals the pericyte and not epithelial origin of myofibroblasts in kidney fibrosis. Am J Pathol, 176(1):85-97.
  18. Castaño AP, Lin SL, Surowy T, Nowlin BT, Turlapati SA, Patel T, Singh A, Li S, Lupher Jr. ML, Duffield JS (2009, Nov). Serum amyloid P inhibits fibrosis through FcγR-dependent monocyte-macrophage regulation in vivo. Science Transl Med, 1, 5ra13.
  19. Lin SL, Castaño AP, Nowlin BT, Lupher ML Jr, Duffield JS (2009, Nov). Bone marrow Ly6Chigh monocytes are selectively recruited to injured kidney and differentiate into functionally distinct populations. J Immunol , 183(10):6733-43.
  20. Lin SL, Kisseleva T, Brenner DA, Duffield JS (2008, Dec). Pericytes and perivascular fibroblasts are the primary source of collagen producing cells in obstructive fibrosis of the kidney. Am J Pathol, 173(6):1617-1627.
  21. Lin SL, Chen YM, Chiang WC, Wu KD, Tsai TJ (2008, Sep). Effect of pentoxifylline in addition to losartan on proteinuria and GFR in CKD: A 12-month randomized trial. Am J Kidney Dis,52(3):464-474.
  22. Chen YM, Lin SL, Chiang WC, Wu KD and Tsai TJ  (2006, Aug). Pentoxifylline ameliorates proteinuria via suppression of renal MCP-1 in subnephrotic primary glomerular diseases. Kidney Int, 69(8):1410-1415.
  23. Lin SL, Chen RH, Chen YM, Chiang WC, Lai CF, Wu KD, Tsai TJ (2005, Sep). Pentoxifylline attenuates tubulointerstitial fibrosis by blocking Smad3/4-activated transcription and profibrogenic effects of connective tissue growth factor. J Am Soc Nephrol, 16,2702-2713.
  24. Lin SL, Chen YM, Chien CT, Chiang WC, Tsai CC, Tsai TJ (2002, Dec). Pentoxifylline attenuated the renal disease progression in rats with remnant kidney. J Am Soc Nephrol, 13:2916-2929.