

  • 李宗玄

  • 職  稱:教授
  • 學  歷:國立國防大學 生命科學研究所 博士
  • 專  長:心臟血管生理學
  • 聯絡電話:02-23123456, ext. 288242
  • E-mail:ntutslee@ntu.edu.tw


  粥狀動脈硬化症(atherosclerosis)所引起的心肌梗塞及中風高居國人十大死因前幾名。粥狀動脈硬化症主要是血中總膽固醇量超過正常值,累積在動脈壁內,引發血管長期發炎反應。若不加以控制或治療,當粥狀動脈硬化血管破裂時會形成血栓,阻塞心臟或腦部的血流,造成心肌梗塞及中風的發生。肝臟細胞脂質代謝異常、內皮細胞功能受損(endothelial dysfunction) 和大量脂肪累積在巨噬細胞(macrophages)而形成泡沫細胞(foam cells)是早期粥狀動脈硬化病變的典型病徵。本實驗室主要針對這三個重要的主題進行研究並探討其中之分子機轉,期望由臨床用藥、保建食品與中草藥中找到增進肝臟細胞、內皮細胞功能或促進巨噬細胞膽固醇清除能力的藥物或重要分子,以建立早期預防或治療粥狀動脈硬化症的策略。在過去五年中我們的確發現許多臨床用藥、保建食品與中草藥中可以提昇肝臟細胞、內皮細胞的功能及促進巨噬細胞清除胞內膽固醇的能力,以達到抑制粥狀動脈硬化病程進展的效果。此外;本實驗室目前也積極建立與神經生理疾病相關的細胞與動物模式,例如注意力缺陷過動症(attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)、焦慮症(anxiety)與阿茲海默症(Alzheimer’s disease),並探討這些疾病可能的細胞與分子致病機轉,期望將來可以建立有效的治療策略。本實驗室以細胞培養與轉殖小鼠為研究材料並應用分子細胞生物學技術來研究上述主題。

  1. James A. Lin, C.-L., Shyu, and Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 1994. Establishment of Mycoplasma spp. cleaning program in a breeder farm combined with Ofloxacin. Taiwan J. Vet. Med. Ani. Husb. 64: 67-76.
  2. James A. Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, J.-S. Wang and K.-T. Tong. 1995. The artifical cryptosporidal infection on immunosuppression of Marek’s disease. Taiwan J. Vet. Med. Anim. Husb. 65: 147-152.
  3. James A. Lin and Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 1995. The application of ELISA for detecting antibody to avian influenza virus. J. Chin. Soc. Vet. Sci. 21: 146-151.
  4. James A. Lin and Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 1996. Genetic susceptibility to Marek's disease virus of local chickens in Taiwan. Avian Dis. 40: 576-581.
  5. James A. Lin and Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 1996. Protectivity of the bivalent Marek's disease vaccines in Taiwan local chickens. J. Chin. Soc. Vet. Sci. 22: 107-112.
  6. Li-Ju Wang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Fan-Yen Lee, Ru-Chun Pai, and Lee-Young Chau. 1998. Expression of heme oxygenase-1 in atherosclerotic lesions. Am. J. Pathol. 152: 711-720.
  7. Fan-Yen Lee, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ching-Chien Pan, An-Li Huang, and Lee-Young Chau. 1998. Colocalization of iron and ceroid in human atherosclerotic lesions. Atherosclerosis 138: 281-288.
  8. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hwei-Chen Yen, Ching-Chien Pan, and Lee-Young Chau. 1999. The role of interleukin 12 in the development of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 19: 734-742.
  9. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ming-Shi Shiao, Ching-Chien Pan, and Lee-Young Chau. 1999. Iron-deficient diet reduces atherosclerotic lesions in apoE-deficient mice. Circulation 99: 1222-1229.
  10. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Fan-Yen Lee, Jong-Hwei S. Pang, and Lee-Young Chau. 1999. Erythrophagocytosis and iron deposition in atherosclerotic lesions. Chin. J. Physiology 41: 17-23.
  11. Tzong-Shyuan Lee and Lee-Young Chau. 2001. Fas/Fas ligand mediated death pathway is involved in oxide LDL-induced apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 280:C709-C718.
  12. Shu-Hui Juan*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Kuang-Wen Tseng, Jun-Yang Liou, Song-Kun Shyue, Kenneth K. Wu, Lee-Young Chau. 2001. Adenovirus-mediated heme oxygenase-1 gene transfer inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient meic. Circulation 104:1519-1525. (*these authors contributed equally to this work).
  13. Tzong-Shyuan Lee and Lee-Young Chau. 2002. Heme oxygenase-1 mediates the anti-inflammatory effect of interleukin-10 in mice. Nature Med. 8: 240-246.
  14.  Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Ling Tsai and Lee-Young Chau. 2003. Induction of heme oxygenase-1 expression in murine macrophage is essential for the anti-inflammatory effect of low dose 15-deoxy-D12,14-prostaglandin J2. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 19325-19330.
  15. HT Lee, LL Chiu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Ling Tsai, Lee-Young Chau.  2003. Dietary iron restriction increases plaque stability in apolipoprotein- E-deficient mice. J. Biomed. Sci. 10:510-517.
  16. Rui-Hai Zhou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Tsui-Chun Tsou, Francois Rannou, Yi-Shuan Li, Shu Chien, John Y.-J Shyy. 2003. Stent Implantation activates Akt in the vessel wall. Role of mechanical stretch in vascular smooth muscle cells.  Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 23: 2015-2020.
  17. Francois Rannou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Rui-Hai Zhou, Jennie Chin, Jeffrey C   Lotz, Marie-Anne Mayous-Benhamou, Jacques Patrick Barbet, Alain Chevrot, and JY-J. Shyy. 2004. Intervertebral disc degeneration: The role of the mitochondrial pathway in annulus fibrosus cell apoptosis induced by overload. Am. J. Pathol. 164: 915-924.
  18. Yi Liu, Yi Zhu, Francois Rannou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Kitty Formentin, Lingfang Zeng, Xiaohui Yuan, Nanping Wang, Shu Chien, Barry M. Forman, and John Y-J. Shyy. 2004. Laminar flow activates peroxisome proliferator-activator receptor γ. Circulation 110: 1128-1133.
  19.  Rui-Hai Zhou, Yao Min, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yi Zhu, Martins-Green Manuela, John Y-J. Shyy. 2004. Vascular endothelial growth factor activation of sterol regulatory element binding protein. A potential role in angiogenesis. Circ Res. 95:471-478.
  20. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Chih-Chieh Chang, Yi Zhu, and John Y-J. Shyy. 2004. Simvastatin induction of heme oxygenase-1: A novel mechanism of vessel protection. Circulation 110: 1296-1302.
  21. Lingfang Zeng, Hailing Liao, Yi Liu , Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Minjia Zhu, Xian Wang, Michael B Stemerman, Yi Zhu, John Y-J Shyy. 2004. SREBP2 downregulates ABCA1 in vascular endothelial cells: a novel role of SREBP in regulating cholesterol metabolism. J. Biol. Chem. 279:48801-48807.
  22. Yi Zhu, Hailing Liao, Xuefen Xie, Yuan Yuan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Nanping Wang, Xian Wang, John Y.-J. Shyy and Michael B. Stemerman. 2005. Oxidized LDL downregulates ATP-binding cassette transporter-1 in human vascular endothelial cells via inhibiting liver X receptor (LXR). Cardiovasc Res. 68: 425-432.
  23. Yi Liu , Yingjia Zhang , Kara Schmelzer, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Xiang Fang , Yi Zhu, Arthur A. Spector, Sarjeet Gill, Christophe Morisseau, Bruce D. Hammock and John Y.-J. Shyy. 2005. The anti-inflammatory effect of laminar flow: The role of PPARg, EETs and sEH. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102:16747-16752.
  24. Yingjia Zhang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Erik M. Kolb; Kai Sun, Xiao Lu, Frances M. Sladek; Ghassan S. Kassab; Theodore Garland, Jr; John Y.-J. Shyy. 2006. AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Is Involved in Endothelial NO Synthase Activation in Response to Shear Stress. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 26:1281-1287.
  25. Wei Sun*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Minjia Zhu, Yi Zhu, John YJ Shyy. 2006. Statins activate AMP-activated kinase in vitro and in vivo. Circulation. 114: 2655-2662. (*these authors contributed equally to this work).
  26. You-Lan Yang, Gau-Jun Tang, Yuh-Lin Wu, Huey-Wen Yien, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2008. Exacerbation of wood smoke-induced acute lung injury by mechanical ventilation using moderately high tidal volume in mice. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 160:99-108. (*Corresponding author)
  27. Yuh-Lin Wu,  Hsiang-Hao Chuang, Ru Yu Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shing-Hwa Lu, Yu-Chu Huang, Yoshihiro Nishi, Toshihiko Yanase. 2008. Regulation of LH receptor and PGF2a receptor signaling by the regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2) in human and mouse granulosa Cells. Chinese Journal of Physiology. 51: 1-10.
  28. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu-Ju Liu, Huey-Wen Yien, Yuh-Lin Wu, Yu Ru Kou. 2008. Wood smoke extract promotes both apoptosis and proliferation in rat alveolar epithelial type II cells: the role of oxidative stress and heme oxygenase-1. Crit Care Med. 36:2597-2606.
  29. Ya-Shan Cheng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Chi Hsu, Yu Ru Kou, Yuh-Lin Wu. 2008. Characterization of the transcriptional regulation of the regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2) gene during 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation. J Cell Biochem. 105:922-930.
  30. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Chun-Yueh Lin, Jin-Yi Tsai, Yuh-Lin Wu, Kuo-Hui Su, Kuo-Yun Lu, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Ching-Chian Pan, Yu Ru Kou, Yung-Pei Hsu, Low-Tone Ho. 2009. Resistin increases lipid accumulation by affecting class A scavenger receptor, CD36 and ATP-binding cassette transporter-A1 in macrophages. Life Sci. 84: 97-104.
  31. Kuo-Hui Su, Jin-Yi Tsai, Yu Ru Kou, An-Na Chiang, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Yuh-Lin Wu, Hsin-Han Hou, Ching-Chian Pan, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2009. Valsartan regulates the interaction of angiotensin II type 1 receptor and endothelial nitric oxide synthase via Src/PI3K/Akt signalling. Cardiovasc Res. 82:468-475. (*Corresponding author)
  32. Chiu-Ling Hsu, Yuh-Lin Wu, Gau-Jun Tang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2009. Ginkgo biloba extract confers protection from cigarette smoke extract-induced apoptosis in human lung endothelial cells: Role of heme oxygenase-1. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 22:286-296. (*Corresponding author)
  33. Tsai CY, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou, Yuh-Lin Wu. 2009. Glucosamine inhibits IL-1b-mediated IL-8 production in prostate cancer cells by MAPK attenuation. J Cell Biochem. 108: 489-498.
  34. Po-Ling Yu, Ching-I Wu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Wynn H.T. Pan, Paulus S. Wang, and Shyi-Wu Wang. 2009. Estradiol attenuated the reduction of striatal dopamine by amphetamine in ovariectomized rats. J Cell Biochem. 108: 1318-1324.
  35. Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 2010. Intratracheal siRNA for the in vivo silencing of caspase-3: A novel therapy for acute lung injury? Crit Care Med. 38:1223-1224. (Editorial Comments)
  36. Kuo-Yun Lu, Li-Chieh Ching, Kuo-Hui Su, Yuan-Bin Yu, Yu Ru Kou, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Yu-Chu Huang, Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Ching Cheng, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2010. Erythropoietin suppresses the formation of macrophage foam cells: Role of liver X receptor a. Circulation. 121: 1828-1837. (*Corresponding author)
  37. Yuh-Lin Wu, Yu Ru Kou, Hui-Ling Ou, Han-Yun Chien, Kun-Han Chuang, Han-Hsun Liu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Cheng-Yen Tsai, Meng-Lun Lu. 2010. Glucosamine regulation of LPS-mediated inflammation in human bronchial epithelial cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 635: 219-226.
  38. Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Ching-Chian Pan, Chien-Chung Peng, Yu Ru Kou, Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Chieh Ching, Tsung-Huang Tsai, Ping-Chiang Lyu, Shu-Fen Chen, and Song-Kun Shyue*. 2010. Anti-atherogenic effect of berberine on LXRa-ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux in macrophages. J Cell Biochem. 111: 104-110. (*Corresponding author)
  39. Jin-Yi Tsai, Kuo-Hui Su, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Yuan-Bin Yu, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, An-Na Chiang, Yuh-Lin Wu, LC Ching, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2010. EGb761 ameliorates the formation of foam cells by regulating the expression of SR-A and ABCA1: Role of heme oxygenase-1. Cardiovasc Res. 88: 415-423. (*Corresponding author)
  40. Tsung-Huang Tsai, Shu-Fen Chen, Tai-Yu Huang, Chun-Fu Tzeng, Ann-Shyn Chiang,Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, and Song-Kun Shyue*. 2011. Impaired CD14 and CD36 expression, bacterial clearance and toll-like receptor 4–MyD88 signaling in caveolin-1–deleted macrophages and mice. Shock. 35: 92-99. (*Corresponding author)
  41. Tzu-Ming Wang, Chun-Jung Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Han-Yi Chao, Wen-Huey Wu, Shu-Chen Hsieh, Huey-Herng Sheu and An-Na Chianga. 2011. Docosahexaenoic acid attenuates VCAM-1 expression and NF-κB activation in TNF-a-treated human aortic endothelial cells. J Nutr Biochem. 22:187-194.
  42. Wen-Chin Chiu, Chun-Jung Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Zit-Jie, Chen, Pei-Hsin Ke, and An-Na Chiang. 2011. Oxidative stress enhances AP-1 and NF-kB-mediated regulation of b2-glycoprotein I gene expression in hepatoma cells. J Cell Biochem. 111: 988-998.
  43. Li-Ching Cheng, Kuo-Hui Su, Li-Chieh Ching, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Yuh-Lin Wu, Kuo-Yun Lu, Chien-Yu Chen, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee* . 2011. a-lipoic acid ameliorates foam cell formation via liver X receptor a-dependent up-regulation of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 and G1. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 50: 47-54. (*Corresponding author)
  44. Che-Feng Chang, Shu-Fen Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hung-Fu Lee, Szu-Fu Chen, Song-Kun Shyue. 2011. Caveolin-1 Deletion Reduces Early Brain Injury after Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Am. J. Pathol. 178: 1749-1761.
  45. Chun-Yueh Lin*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Chin-Chang Chen, Cheng-An Chang, Yan-Jie Lin, Yung-Pei Hsu, Low-Tone Ho. 2011. Endothelin-1 exacerbates lipid accumulation by increasing the protein degradation of the ATP-binding cassette transporter G1 in macrophages. J Cell Physiol: 226: 2198-2205. (*these authors contributed equally to this work).
  46. Kuo-Hui Su, Song-Kun Shyue, Li-Chieh Ching, Yu Ru Kou, An-Na Chiang, Yuan-Bin Yu, Chien-Yu Chen, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2011. b common receptor integrates the erythropoietin signaling in activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. J Cell Physiol. 226:3330-3339. (*Corresponding author)
  47. Gau-Jun Tang, Hsin-Yi Wang, Jen-Ying Wang, Chih-Chieh Lee, Hsu-Wen Tseng, Yuh-Lin Wu, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2011. The novel role of the AMP-activated protein kinase signaling in the induction of IL-8 in human lung epithelial cells and lung inflammation in mice by cigarette smoke. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 50:1492-502.
  48. Li-Chieh Ching, Yu Ru Kou, Song-Kun Shyue, Kuo-Hui Su, Jeng Wei, Li-Ching Cheng, Yuan-Bin Yu, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2011. Molecular mechanisms of activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase mediated by endothelial transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1. Cardiovasc Res. 91:492-501. (*Corresponding author)
  49. Chi-Huei Chiang, Chiao-Hui Chuang, Shiou-Ling Liu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou, Haibo Zhang. 2011. Apocynin attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in an isolated and perfused rat lung model. Intensive Care Med. 37:1360-1367.
  50. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou. 2011. How alcohol impairs the granulocyte expansion during septicemia. Crit Care Med. 39: 2194-2195.
  51. Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Chieh Ching, Song-Kun Shyue, An-Na Chiang, Yuh-Lin Wu, Yu Ru Kou, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2011. Wogonin promotes cholesterol efflux by increasing protein phosphatase 2B-dependent dephosphorylation on ATP-binding cassette transporter-A1 in macrophage foam cells. J Nutr Biochem. 22:1015-1021. (*Corresponding author)
  52. Yu-Wen Hung, Sing-I Yang, Pei-Yu Huang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Terry B.J. Kuo, Chun-Hing Yiu, Yang-Hsin Shih, Yung-Yang Lin. 2012. The duration of sustained convulsive seizures determines the pattern of hippocampal neurogenesis and the development of spontaneous epilepsy in rats. Epilepsy Research. 98:206-215.
  53. Yi-Jen Liao, Tzu-Lang Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hsiang-An Wang, Chung-Kwe Wang, Li-Ying Liao, Ren-Shyan Liu, Shiu-Feng Huang, and Yi-Ming Arthur Chen. 2012. Glycine N-methyltransferase deficiency affects Niemann-Pick type C2 protein stability and regulates hepatic cholesterol homeostasis. Molecular Medicine. 18:412-422.
  54. Hsin-Han Hou, Bruce D. Hammock, Kou-Hui Su, Yu Ru Kou, Christophe Morisseau, Susumu Imaoka, Ami Oguro, Song-Kun Shyue, Jin-Feng Zhao, and Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. N-terminal domain of soluble epoxide hydrolase negatively regulates the VEGF-mediated activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Cardiovasc Res. 93:120-129. (*Corresponding author)
  55. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou. 2012. Enhancing endothelial progenitor cell therapy for critical limb ischemia by extracorporeal shock wave. Crit Care Med. 40:332-333.
  56. Kuo-Hui Su, Yuan-Bin Yu, Hsin-Han Hou, Jin-Feng Zhao, Yu Ru Kou, Li-Ching Cheng, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. AMP-activated protein kinase mediates erythropoietin-induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. J Cell Physiol. 27: 3053-3062. (*Corresponding author)
  57. Jing-Feng Zhao, Li-Chieh Ching, Yu-Chu Huang, Chien-Yu Chen, An-Na Chiang, Yu Ru Kou, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. Molecular mechanism of curcumin on the suppression of cholesterol accumulation in macrophage foam cells and atherosclerosis. Mol Nutr Food Res. 56:691-701. (*Corresponding author)
  58. Hung-Fu Lee, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2012. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects of triptolide on traumatic brain injury in rats. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 182: 1-8. (*Corresponding author).
  59. Yuan-Bin Yu, Yu-Wen Liao, Kou-Hui Su, Tsung-Ming Chang, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. Prior exercise training alleviates the lung inflammation induced by subsequent exposure to environmental cigarette smoke. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 205: 532-540. (*Corresponding author)
  60. Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Chieh Ching, Yi-Jen Liao, Yuan-Bin Yu, Chia-Yuan Tsou, Song-Kun Shyue, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. Deficiency of glycine N-methyltransferase aggravates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-null mice. Molecular Medicine. 18: 744-752. (*Corresponding author)
  61. Yu-Cheng Chang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, An-Na Chiang. 2012. Quercetin enhances ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 expression and cholesterol efflux through a p38-dependent pathway in macrophages. J Lipid Res. 53: 1840-1850.
  62. Yu YB, Gau JP, Liu CY, Yang MH, Chiang SC, Hsu HC, Hong YC, Hsiao LT, Liu JH, Chiou TJ, Chen PM, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Chou LF, Tzeng CH, Chen TJ. 2012. A nation-wide analysis of venous thromboembolism in 497,180 cancer patients with the development and validation of a risk-stratification scoring system. Thromb Haemost. 108: 225-235.
  63. Li-Chieh Ching, Chien-Yu Chen, Kuo-Hui Su, Hsin-Han Hou, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. Implication of AMP-activated protein kinase in transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1-mediated activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Molecular Medicine. 18: 805-815. (*Corresponding author)
  64. Ko-Lin Kuo, Szu-Chun Hung, Yao-Ping Lin, Ching-Fang Tang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Chih-Pei Lin, Der-Cherng Tarng. 2012. Intravenous ferric chloride hexahydrate supplementation induced endothelial dysfunction and increased cardiovascular risk among hemodialysis patients PLos One. 7: e50295.
  65. Wen-Chin Chiu, Jan-Yu Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Li-Ru You, An-Na Chiang. 2013. b-Glycoprotein I inhibits VEGF-induced proliferation and migration of human aortic endothelial cells and suppresses phosphorylation of VEGFR2, ERK1/2 and Akt. Mol Cell Biochem. 372: 9-15.
  66. Diahn-Warng Perng, Tsung-Ming Chang, Jen-Ying Wang, Chih-Chieh Lee, Shing-Hwa Lu, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2013. Inflammatory role of AMP-activated protein kinase signaling in experimental model of wood-smoke inhalation injury. Crit Care Med. 41: 120-132. (*Corresponding author)
  67. Jeng Wei, Li-Chieh Ching, Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2013. Essential role of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 in the evodiamine-mediated protection against atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E deficient mice. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 207:299-307. (*Corresponding author)
  68. Jin-Feng Zhao, Li-Chieh Ching, Yu Ru Kou, Shing-Jong Lin, Jeng Wei, Song-Kun Shyue*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2013. Activation of TRPV1 prevents oxLDL-induced lipid accumulation and TNF-a-induced inflammation in macrophages: Role of liver X receptor. Mediators of Inflammation. 925171. (*Corresponding author)
  69. Jin-Feng Zhao, Shr-Jeng Jim Leu, Song-Kun Shyue, Kuo-Hui Su, Jeng Weid*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2013. Novel effect of paeonol on the formation of foam cells: Promotion of LXRa-ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux in macrophages. Am J Chin Med. 41:1079-1096. (*Corresponding author)
  70. Li-Chieh Ching, Jin-Feng Zhao, Kuo-Hui Su, Song-Kun Shyue, Chiao-Po Hsu, Tse-Min Lu, Shing-Jong Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2013. Activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 decreases endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation at Thr497 by protein phosphatase 2B-dependent dephosphorylation of protein kinase C. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 209:124-135. (*Corresponding author)
  71. Wei-Wen Chen, Chen-Hao Chien, Chiung-Lin Wang, Huai-Hsien Wang, Yuh-Lin Wang, Shih-Torng Ding, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ta-Chau Chang. 2013. Automated quantitative analysis of lipid accumulation and hydrolysis in living macrophages with label-free imaging. Anal Bioanal Chem. 405:8549-8559.
  72. Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Shing-Jong Lin, Jeng Wei*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2014. Excess nitric oxide impairs liver X receptor a-ATP-binding cassette transporter A1-dependent cholesterol efflux in macrophage foam cells. J Cell Physiol. 229:117-125. (*Corresponding author)
  73. Hsin-Kuo Ko, Wen-Hu Hsu, Chin-Cheng Hsieh, Te-Cheng Lien, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou. 2014. High expression of high-mobility group box 1 in the blood and lungs is associated with the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers. Respirology 19:253-261.
  74. Wen-Yueh Chou, Jin-Feng Zhao, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen, Kuan-I Lee, Kuo-Hui Su, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shuan Lee*. 2014. Role of glycine N-methyltransferase in experimental ulcerative colitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 29:494-501. (*Corresponding author)
  75. Chia-Yuan Tsou, Chien-Yu Chen, Jin-Feng Zhao, Kuo-Hui Su, Hsueh-Te Lee, Shing-Jong Lin, Song-Kun Shyue, Sheng-Huang Hsiao*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2014. Activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase prevents foam cell formation and atherosclerosis. Acta Physiologica. 210: 799-810. (*Corresponding author)
  76. Yuh-Lin Wu, An-Hsuan Lin, Chao-Hung Chen, Wen-Chien, Huang, Hsin-Yi Wang, Meng-Han Liu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2014. Glucosamine attenuates cigarette smoke induced-lung inflammation via its antioxidant function and inhibition of ROS-sensitive inflammatory signaling. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 69: 208-218. (*Corresponding author)
  77. Kuo-Hui Su, Kuan-I Lee, Song-Kun Shyue, Jeng Wei, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2014. Implication of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 in 14,15-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid-induced angiogenesis. Int J Biol Sci. 10: 990-996. (*Corresponding author)
  78. Meng-Han Liu, An-Hsuan Lin, Hung-Fu Lee, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2014. Paeonol attenuates cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation by inhibiting ROS-sensitive inflammatory signaling. Mediators of Inflammation. 2014:651890 (*Corresponding author)
  79. Kuo-Hui Su, Shing-Jong Lin, Jeng Wei, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Kuan-I Lee, Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2014. The essential role of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 in simvastatin-induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and angiogenesis. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 212: 191–204. (*Corresponding author)
  80. Ko-Lin Kuo, Szu-Chun Hung, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Der-Cherng Tarng*. 2014. Iron sucrose accelerates early atherogenesis through increasing superoxide production and up-regulation of adhesion molecules in mice of remnant kidney. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25:2596-606. (*Corresponding author)
  81. Meng-Han Liu, An-Hsuan Lin, Shing-Hwa Lu, Ruo-Yun Peng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2014. Eicosapentaenoic acid attenuates cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation by inhibiting ROS-sensitive inflammatory signaling. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology. 5: 440. (*Corresponding author)
  82. Yu-Wen Hung, Shao-Wen Hung, Yi-Chen Wu, Lin-King Wong, Ming-Tsong Lai, Yang-Hsin Shih, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yung-Yang Lin*. 2015. Soluble epoxide hydrolase activity regulates inflammatory responses and seizure generation in two mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 43: 118-129. (*Corresponding author)
  83. Kuan-Chuan Pao, Jin-Feng Zhao, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ying-Pei Huang, Chien-Chung Han, Lin-Chiang Sherlock Huang, Ming-Hua Hsu*. 2015. Low-dose paeonol derivatives alleviate lipid accumulation. RSC Advances 5:5652-5656.
  84. Hsin-Kuo Ko, Hung-Fu Lee, An-Hsuan Lin, Meng-Han Liu, Ching-I Liu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2015. Regulation of cigarette smoke induction of IL-8 in macrophages by AMP-activated protein kinase signaling: Role of nAChRs and ROS. J Cell Physiol. 230: 1781-1793.(*Corresponding author)
  85. Chin-Wei Chiang, Hsueh-Te Lee, Der-Cherng Tarng, Ko-Lin Kuo, Li-Ching Cheng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2015. Deletion of soluble epoxide hydrolase attenuates inflammation and fibrosis in experimental obstructive nephropathy. Mediators of Inflammation. 2015:693260. (*Corresponding author)
  86. Bei-Chia Guo, Jeng Wei, Kuo-Hui Su, An-Na Chiang, Li-Ching Cheng, Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2015. Transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 is vital in (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate-mediated activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Mol Nutr Food Res. 59: 646-657.  (*Corresponding author)
  87. Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Kuo-Yun Lu, Yuan-Bin Yu, Hsueh-Te Lee, Feng-Chuan Tsai. 2015. b common receptor mediates erythropoietin-conferred suppression on oxLDL-induced lipid accumulation and inflammation in macrophages. Mediators of Inflammation. 2015:439759. (*Corresponding author)
  88. Hsin-Han Hou, Yi-Jen Liao, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2015. Role of phosphatase activity of soluble epoxide hydrolase in regulating simvastatin-activated endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Scientific Reports 5:13524. (*Corresponding author).
  89. An-Hsuan Lin, Meng-Han Liu, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee* and Yu Ru Kou*. 2015. Lung epithelial TRPA1 transduce the extracellular ROS into transcriptional regulation of lung inflammation induced by cigarette smoke: the role of influxed Ca2+. Mediators of Inflammation. 2015:148367. (*Corresponding author)
  90. Han-Fang Wu, Hsin-Ju Yen, Chi-Chen Huang, Yi-Chao Lee, Su-Zhen Wu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Ching Lin. 2015. Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor enhances synaptic neurotransmission and plasticity in mouse prefrontal cortex. J Biomed Sci. 22:94.
  91. Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Excess nitric oxide activates TRPV1-Ca2+-calpain signaling and promotes the PEST-dependent degradation of liver X receptor a. Int J Biol Sci. 12:18-29. (*Corresponding author)
  92. Jin-Feng Zhao, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Ming-Hua Hsu, Kuan-Chuan Pao, Yu Ru Kou, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate accelerates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Archives of Toxicology. 90: 181-190. (*Corresponding author)
  93. Kuan-I Lee, Chin-Wei Chiang, Hui-Ching Lin, Jin-Feng Zhao, Cheng-Ta Li, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Maternal di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure deregulates blood pressure, adiposity, cholesterol metabolism and social interaction in offspring. Archives of Toxicology. 90:1211-1224. (*Corresponding author)
  94. Chiao-Po Hsu, Jin-Feng Zhao, Shing-Jong Lin, Song-Kun Shyue, Bei-Chia Guo, Tse-Min Lu*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Asymmetric dimethylarginine limits the efficacy of simvastatin activating endothelial nitric oxide synthase. J Am Heart Assoc. 5: e003327. (*Corresponding author)
  95. Kuan-I Lee, Hsueh-Te Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Huey-Jen Tsay, Feng-Chuan Tsai, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channels in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 13:92. (*Corresponding author)
  96. Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Tse-Min Lu*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channel involved in atherosclerosis and macrophage-foam cell formation. 2016. Int J Biol Sci. 12: 812-823. (*Corresponding author)
  97. Wei-Ming Chen, Wayne H-H Sheu, Pei-Chi Tseng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Wen-Jane Lee, Pey-Jium Chang, Chiang. 2016. Modulation of microRNA expression in subjects with metabolic syndrome and decrease of cholesterol efflux from macrophages via microRNA-33-mediated attenuation of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 expression by statins. PLOS ONE. 11: e0154672.
  98. Yuh-Ching Twu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yun-Lian Lin, Shih-Ming Hsu, Yuan-Hsi Wang, Chia-Yu Liao, Chung-Kwe Wang, Yu-Chih Liang, Yi-Jen Liao. 2016. Niemann-Pick type C2 protein mediates hepatic stellate cells activation by regulating free cholesterol accumulation. Int J Mol Sci. 17: 1122.
  99. Yi-Jen Liao, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yuh-Ching Twu, Ching-Ping Yang, Chung-Kwe Wang, Shih-Ming Hsu, Yu-Chih Liang, and Yi-Ming Chen. 2016. Glycine N-methyltransferase deficiency accumulate triglycerides and impair insulin signaling by modulating PI3K/Akt pathway in the liver. J Biomed Sci. 23:69.
  100. Tse-Min Lu, Chiao-Po Hsu, Chao-Fu Chang, Chih-Ching Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shing-Jong Lin, Wan-Leong Chan. Asymmetric dimethylarginine predicts the risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. Atherosclerosis. 254:161-166.
  101. Yuan-Bin Yu, Kuo-Hui Su, Bei-Chia Guo, Kuan-I Lee, Jeng Wei, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2017. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 in regulating erythropoietin-induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Acta Physiologica. 219:465-477.
  102. Kuan-I Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Hsueh-Te Lee, Feng-Chuan Tsai, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2017. Loss function of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channels deregulates emotional, social, cognitive, learning and memory development. Molecular Neurobiology. 54:3606-3617. (*Corresponding author)
  103. Meng-Han Liu, An-Hsuan Lin, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2017. Prevention of bleomycin-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in mice by paeonol. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology. 8:193. (*Corresponding author)
  104. An-Hsuan Lin, Meng-Han Liu, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2017. Inflammatory effects of menthol versus non-menthol cigarette smoke extract on human lung epithelial cells: a double-hit on TRPM8 by ROS and menthol. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology. 27;8:263. (*Corresponding author)
  105. Tse-Min Lu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shing-Jong Lin, Wan-Leong Chan, Chiao-Po Hsu. 2017. The prognostic value of asymmetric dimethylarginine in patients with cardiac syndrome X. PLoS One. 12:e0188995.
  106. Chia-Hui Chen, Song-Kun Shyue, Chia-Po Hsu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2018. Atypical antipsychotic drug olanzapine deregulates hepatic lipid metabolism and aortic inflammation and aggravates atherosclerosis. Cell Physiol Biochem. 50:1216-1229. (*Corresponding author)
  107. An-Hsuan Lin, Meng-Han Liu, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2018. Menthol cigarette smoke induces more severe lung inflammation than non-menthol cigarette smoke does in mice with subchronic exposure - role of TRPM8. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology. 2018;9:1817. (*Corresponding author)
  108. Jin-Feng Zhao, Hsiang-Ying Chen, Jeng Wei, Shr-Jeng Jim Leu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. CCN family member 1 deregulates cholesterol metabolism and aggravates atherosclerosis. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 225:e13209. (*Corresponding author)
  109. Hsueh-Te Lee, Kuan-I Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. Genetic deletion of soluble epoxide hydroxylase causes anxiety-like behaviors in mice. Molecular Neurobiology. 56(4):2495-2507. (*Corresponding author)
  110. Chia-Hui Chen, Jin-Feng Zhao, Chiao-Po Hsu, Tse-Min Luc*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. The detrimental effect of asymmetric dimethylarginine on cholesterol efflux of macrophage foam cells: Role of the NOX/ROS signaling. Free Radical Biology Medicine. 143: 354-365. (*Corresponding author)
  111. Chih-Chan Lien, Chia-Hui Chen, Yeng-Ming Lee, Li-Ching Cheng, Ching-Chien Pan, Song-Kun Shyue*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. The phosphatase activity of soluble epoxide hydrolase regulates ATP-binding cassette transporter-A1-dependent cholesterol efflux. J Cell Mol Med. 23(10):6611-6621. (*Corresponding author)
  112. Hsueh-Te Lee, Kuan-I Lee, Chia-Hui Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. Genetic deletion of soluble epoxide hydrolase delays the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 16(1):267. (*Corresponding author)
  113. Chung-Kuan Wu, Chia-Lin Wu, Tzu-Cheng Su, Yu Ru Kou, Chew-Teng Kor, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Der-Cherng Tarng. 2019. Renal tubular TRPA1 as a risk factor for recovery of renal function from acute tubular necrosis. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8(12). pii: E2187.
  114. Heng-Huei Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shing-Jong Lin, Yi-Chen Yeh, Tse-Min Lu*, Chiao-Po Hsu. 2019. DDAH-2 alleviates contrast medium iopromide-induced acute kidney injury through nitric oxide synthase. Clinical Science (Lond). 133(23):2361-2378.
  115. Ko-Lin Kuo, Jin-Feng Zhao, Po-Hsun Huang, Bei-Chia Guo, Der-Cherng Tarng*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Indoxyl sulfate impairs valsartan-induced neovascularization. Redox Biology. 30: 101433. (*Corresponding author)
  116. Li-Ching Cheng, Bei‐Chia Guo, Chia-Hui Chen, Chi-Jen Chang, Ta-Sen Yeh*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Endothelial nitric oxide mediates the anti-atherosclerotic action of Torenia Concolor Lindley var. Formosama Yamazaki. Intl J Mol Sci. 2020, 21, 1532. (*Corresponding author)
  117. Yi-Huan Chen, Yi Ju Wu, Wei-Cheng Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Tsui-Chun Tsou, Hsuan-Chia Chang, Sheng-Wen Lo, Shen Liang Chen. 2020. MEHP interferes with mitochondrial functions and homeostasis in skeletal muscle cells. Bioscience Reports. 40(4). pii: BSR20194404.
  118. Po-An Hu, Chia-Hui Chen, Bei‐Chia Guo, Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Bromelain confers protection against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Nutrients 12, 1458. (*Corresponding author)
  119. Chia-Hui Chen, Sin-Ni Ho, Po-An Hu, Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Food preservative sorbic acid deregulates hepatic fatty acid metabolism. Journal Food and Drug Analysis. 28(2): 12-22. (*Corresponding author)
  120. Jhih-Wei Hsu, Chung-Yi Nien, Szu-Ching Yeh, Feng-Yuan Tsai, Hsin-Wei Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shen-Liang Chen, Yung-Hsi Kao, Tsui-Chun Tsou. 2020. Phthalate exposure causes browning-like effects on adipocytes in vitro and in vivo. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 142:111487.
  121. Bei-Chia Guo, Ko-Lin Kuo, Chia-Hui Chen, Shen-Liang Chen, Tsui-Chun Tsou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate limits the pleiotropic effects of statins in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing dialysis and endothelial cells. Environmental Pollution 267: 115548. (*Corresponding author)
  122. Hsin-Kuo Ko, An-Hsuan Lin, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee* and Yu Ru Kou*. 2020. Lung epithelial TRPA1 mediates lipopolysaccharide-induced lung inflammation in bronchial epithelial cells and mice. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology 2020;11:596314. (*Corresponding author)
  123. Chung-Kuan Wu, Chia-Lin Wu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou and Der Cherng Tarng. 2021. Renal tubular epithelial TRPA1 acts as an oxidative stress sensor to mediate ischemia-reperfusion-induced kidney injury through MAPKs/NF-kB signaling. Intl J Mol Sci. 22, 2309.
  124. Man-Chen Hsu, Bei-Chia Guo, Chia-Hui Chen, Po-An Hu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2021. Apigenin ameliorates hepatic lipid accumulation by activating the autophagy-mitochondrial pathway. Journal Food and Drug Analysis. 29(2): 240-254. (*Corresponding author).
  125. Chung-Kuan Wu, Ji-Fan Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou, Der-Cherng Tarng*. 2021. Role of TRPA1 in tissue damage and kidney disease. Intl J Mol Sci. 22(7):3415.
  126. Chia-Hui Chen1, Shr-Jeng Jim Leu, Chiao-Po Hsu, Ching-Chian Pan, Song-Kun Shyuan*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2021. Atypical antipsychotic drugs deregulate the cholesterol metabolism of macrophage-foam cells by activating NOX-ROS-PPARg-CD36 signaling pathway. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental. 123: 14847 (*Corresponding author).
  127. Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Tse-Min Lu, Chia-Hui Chen, Bei‐Chia Guo, Chiao-Po Hsu*. 2021. Hyperuricemia induces endothelial dysfunction and accelerates atherosclerosis by disturbing the asymmetric dimethylarginine/dimethylarginine dimethylaminotransferase 2 pathway. Redox Biology. 46:102108. (*Corresponding author).
  128. Man-Chen Hsu, Wei-Jia Luo, Bei-Chia Guo, Chia-Hui Chen, Po-An Hu, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Kang-Yi Su*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2022. Genetic deletion of HLJ1 does not affect blood coagulation in mice. Intl J Mol Sci. 23(4):2064.
  129. Po-An Hu, Sz-Han Wang, Chia-Hui Chen, Bei-Chia Guo, Jenq-Wen Huang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2022. New mechanisms of bromelain in alleviating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-induced deregulation of blood coagulation. Nutrients. 14:2329. (*Corresponding author).
  130. Po-An Hu, Man-Chen Hsu, Sz-Han Chen, Chia-Hui Chen, Yu Ru Kou, Jenq-Wen Huang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2022. Bromelain activates the AMP-activated protein kinase-autophagy pathway to alleviate hepatic lipid accumulation. Journal Food and Drug Analysis. 30:357e368. (*Corresponding author).
  131. Chia-Hui Chen, Bei-Chia Guo, Po-An Hu, Hsueh-Te Lee, Hsuan-Yun Hu, Man-Chen Hsu, Wen-Hua Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2022. Ractopamine accelerates atherosclerosis by inducing endothelial dysfunction and promoting the formation of macrophage-foam cells. Environmental Pollution. 313:120080. (*Corresponding author).
  132. Chia-Hui Chen, Chien-Chung Hsia, Po-An Hu, Chung-Hsin Yeh, Chun-Tang Chen, Cheng-Liang Peng, Chih-Hsien Wang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2023. Bromelain ameliorates atherosclerosis by activating the TFEB-mediated autophagy and antioxidant pathways. Antioxidants (Basel). 12(1), 72 (*Corresponding author).
  133. Bei-Chia Guo, Ko-Lin Kuo, Der-Cherng Tarng*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee,*. 2023. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate limits the lipid-lowering effects of simvastatin by promoting the protein degradation of low-density lipoprotein receptor: Role of PPARg-PCSK9 and LXRa-IDOL signaling pathways. Antioxidants (Basel);12(2):477.
  134. Ko-Lin Kuo*, Chin-Wei Chiang, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen, Chih-Chin Yu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2023. Folic acid ameliorates renal injury in experimental obstructive nephropathy: Role of glycine N-methyltransferase. Intl J Mol Sci. 24(7), 6859. (*Corresponding author).
  135. Wen-Hua Chen, Bei-Chia Guo, Chia-Hui Chen, Man-Chen Hsu, Chih-Hsien Wang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2023. Autophagy-urea cycle pathway is essential for the statin-mediated nitric oxide bioavailability in endothelial cells. Journal Food and Drug Analysis. 31:519e533 (*Corresponding author).
  136. Chia‑Lin Wu, Yu‑Wei Fang, Yi‑Chou Hou, Kuo‑Cheng Lu, Wen‑Hsin Tsai, Ping‑Hsun Lu, Tzong‑Shyuan Lee, Ko‑Lin Kuo*. 2023. Association of mono‑2‑ethylhexyl phthalate with adverse outcomes in chronic hemodialysis patients. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30:120366–120374.
  137. Wen-Hua Chen, Chia-Hui Chen, Man-Chen Hsu, Ru-Wen Chang, Chih-Hsien Wang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2024. Advances in the molecular mechanisms of statins in regulating endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability: Interlocking biology between eNOS activity and L-arginine metabolism. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 171: 116192. (*Corresponding author).
  138. Man-Chen Hsu, Chia-Hui Chen, Mu-Chun Wang, Po-An Hu, Bei-Chia Guo, Ru-Wen Chang, Chih-Hsien Wang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2024. Apigenin targets fetuin-A to ameliorate obesity-induced insulin resistance. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 20(5):1563-1577. (*Corresponding author)
  139. Ru-Wen Chang, Man-Chen Hsu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yih-Sharng Chen, Chih-Hsien Wang. 2024. Selective brain perfusion improves neurological outcome after extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in rat model. Artificial Organs. 48(7):743-752.
  140. Julia Chu-Ning Hsu, Hsu-Wen Tseng, Chia-Hui Chen and Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2024. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 interacts with TLR4/CD14 signaling pathway in lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammation in macrophages.  Experimental Animals. 73 (3): 336-346. (*Corresponding author).

Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ph.D.
Graduate Institute of Physiology,
National Taiwan University College of Medicine
Taipei, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-23123456-88242
FAX: +886-2-23964350
E-mail: ntutslee@ntu.edu.tw

Research area:
My areas of expertise include pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases and physiology of vascular cells. I am interested in the molecular mechanism of early-stage atherosclerosis including endothelial dysfunction and the formation of macrophage foam cells in recent years. We also investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and Alzheimer’s disease. By use of clinical therapeutic reagents, food nutrition, and traditional herbal medicine in vitro and in vivo, my team has discovered several crucial molecules and important molecular mechanisms in treating these diseases.

Publish list:

  1. James A. Lin, C.-L., Shyu, and Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 1994. Establishment of Mycoplasma spp. cleaning program in a breeder farm combined with Ofloxacin. Taiwan J. Vet. Med. Ani. Husb. 64: 67-76.
  2. James A. Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, J.-S. Wang and K.-T. Tong. 1995. The artifical cryptosporidal infection on immunosuppression of Marek’s disease. Taiwan J. Vet. Med. Anim. Husb. 65: 147-152.
  3. James A. Lin and Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 1995. The application of ELISA for detecting antibody to avian influenza virus. J. Chin. Soc. Vet. Sci. 21: 146-151.
  4. James A. Lin and Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 1996. Genetic susceptibility to Marek's disease virus of local chickens in Taiwan. Avian Dis. 40: 576-581.
  5. James A. Lin and Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 1996. Protectivity of the bivalent Marek's disease vaccines in Taiwan local chickens. J. Chin. Soc. Vet. Sci. 22: 107-112.
  6. Li-Ju Wang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Fan-Yen Lee, Ru-Chun Pai, and Lee-Young Chau. 1998. Expression of heme oxygenase-1 in atherosclerotic lesions. Am. J. Pathol. 152: 711-720.
  7. Fan-Yen Lee, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ching-Chien Pan, An-Li Huang, and Lee-Young Chau. 1998. Colocalization of iron and ceroid in human atherosclerotic lesions. Atherosclerosis 138: 281-288.
  8. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hwei-Chen Yen, Ching-Chien Pan, and Lee-Young Chau. 1999. The role of interleukin 12 in the development of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 19: 734-742.
  9. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ming-Shi Shiao, Ching-Chien Pan, and Lee-Young Chau. 1999. Iron-deficient diet reduces atherosclerotic lesions in apoE-deficient mice. Circulation 99: 1222-1229.
  10. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Fan-Yen Lee, Jong-Hwei S. Pang, and Lee-Young Chau. 1999. Erythrophagocytosis and iron deposition in atherosclerotic lesions. Chin. J. Physiology 41: 17-23.
  11. Tzong-Shyuan Lee and Lee-Young Chau. 2001. Fas/Fas ligand mediated death pathway is involved in oxide LDL-induced apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 280:C709-C718.
  12. Shu-Hui Juan*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Kuang-Wen Tseng, Jun-Yang Liou, Song-Kun Shyue, Kenneth K. Wu, Lee-Young Chau. 2001. Adenovirus-mediated heme oxygenase-1 gene transfer inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient meic. Circulation 104:1519-1525. (*these authors contributed equally to this work).
  13. Tzong-Shyuan Lee and Lee-Young Chau. 2002. Heme oxygenase-1 mediates the anti-inflammatory effect of interleukin-10 in mice. Nature Med. 8: 240-246.
  14.  Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Ling Tsai and Lee-Young Chau. 2003. Induction of heme oxygenase-1 expression in murine macrophage is essential for the anti-inflammatory effect of low dose 15-deoxy-D12,14-prostaglandin J2. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 19325-19330.
  15. HT Lee, LL Chiu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Ling Tsai, Lee-Young Chau.  2003. Dietary iron restriction increases plaque stability in apolipoprotein- E-deficient mice. J. Biomed. Sci. 10:510-517.
  16. Rui-Hai Zhou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Tsui-Chun Tsou, Francois Rannou, Yi-Shuan Li, Shu Chien, John Y.-J Shyy. 2003. Stent Implantation activates Akt in the vessel wall. Role of mechanical stretch in vascular smooth muscle cells.  Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 23: 2015-2020.
  17. Francois Rannou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Rui-Hai Zhou, Jennie Chin, Jeffrey C   Lotz, Marie-Anne Mayous-Benhamou, Jacques Patrick Barbet, Alain Chevrot, and JY-J. Shyy. 2004. Intervertebral disc degeneration: The role of the mitochondrial pathway in annulus fibrosus cell apoptosis induced by overload. Am. J. Pathol. 164: 915-924.
  18. Yi Liu, Yi Zhu, Francois Rannou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Kitty Formentin, Lingfang Zeng, Xiaohui Yuan, Nanping Wang, Shu Chien, Barry M. Forman, and John Y-J. Shyy. 2004. Laminar flow activates peroxisome proliferator-activator receptor γ. Circulation 110: 1128-1133.
  19.  Rui-Hai Zhou, Yao Min, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yi Zhu, Martins-Green Manuela, John Y-J. Shyy. 2004. Vascular endothelial growth factor activation of sterol regulatory element binding protein. A potential role in angiogenesis. Circ Res. 95:471-478.
  20. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Chih-Chieh Chang, Yi Zhu, and John Y-J. Shyy. 2004. Simvastatin induction of heme oxygenase-1: A novel mechanism of vessel protection. Circulation 110: 1296-1302.
  21. Lingfang Zeng, Hailing Liao, Yi Liu , Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Minjia Zhu, Xian Wang, Michael B Stemerman, Yi Zhu, John Y-J Shyy. 2004. SREBP2 downregulates ABCA1 in vascular endothelial cells: a novel role of SREBP in regulating cholesterol metabolism. J. Biol. Chem. 279:48801-48807.
  22. Yi Zhu, Hailing Liao, Xuefen Xie, Yuan Yuan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Nanping Wang, Xian Wang, John Y.-J. Shyy and Michael B. Stemerman. 2005. Oxidized LDL downregulates ATP-binding cassette transporter-1 in human vascular endothelial cells via inhibiting liver X receptor (LXR). Cardiovasc Res. 68: 425-432.
  23. Yi Liu , Yingjia Zhang , Kara Schmelzer, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Xiang Fang , Yi Zhu, Arthur A. Spector, Sarjeet Gill, Christophe Morisseau, Bruce D. Hammock and John Y.-J. Shyy. 2005. The anti-inflammatory effect of laminar flow: The role of PPARg, EETs and sEH. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102:16747-16752.
  24. Yingjia Zhang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Erik M. Kolb; Kai Sun, Xiao Lu, Frances M. Sladek; Ghassan S. Kassab; Theodore Garland, Jr; John Y.-J. Shyy. 2006. AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Is Involved in Endothelial NO Synthase Activation in Response to Shear Stress. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 26:1281-1287.
  25. Wei Sun*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Minjia Zhu, Yi Zhu, John YJ Shyy. 2006. Statins activate AMP-activated kinase in vitro and in vivo. Circulation. 114: 2655-2662. (*these authors contributed equally to this work).
  26. You-Lan Yang, Gau-Jun Tang, Yuh-Lin Wu, Huey-Wen Yien, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2008. Exacerbation of wood smoke-induced acute lung injury by mechanical ventilation using moderately high tidal volume in mice. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 160:99-108. (*Corresponding author)
  27. Yuh-Lin Wu,  Hsiang-Hao Chuang, Ru Yu Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shing-Hwa Lu, Yu-Chu Huang, Yoshihiro Nishi, Toshihiko Yanase. 2008. Regulation of LH receptor and PGF2a receptor signaling by the regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2) in human and mouse granulosa Cells. Chinese Journal of Physiology. 51: 1-10.
  28. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu-Ju Liu, Huey-Wen Yien, Yuh-Lin Wu, Yu Ru Kou. 2008. Wood smoke extract promotes both apoptosis and proliferation in rat alveolar epithelial type II cells: the role of oxidative stress and heme oxygenase-1. Crit Care Med. 36:2597-2606.
  29. Ya-Shan Cheng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Chi Hsu, Yu Ru Kou, Yuh-Lin Wu. 2008. Characterization of the transcriptional regulation of the regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2) gene during 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation. J Cell Biochem. 105:922-930.
  30. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Chun-Yueh Lin, Jin-Yi Tsai, Yuh-Lin Wu, Kuo-Hui Su, Kuo-Yun Lu, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Ching-Chian Pan, Yu Ru Kou, Yung-Pei Hsu, Low-Tone Ho. 2009. Resistin increases lipid accumulation by affecting class A scavenger receptor, CD36 and ATP-binding cassette transporter-A1 in macrophages. Life Sci. 84: 97-104.
  31. Kuo-Hui Su, Jin-Yi Tsai, Yu Ru Kou, An-Na Chiang, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Yuh-Lin Wu, Hsin-Han Hou, Ching-Chian Pan, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2009. Valsartan regulates the interaction of angiotensin II type 1 receptor and endothelial nitric oxide synthase via Src/PI3K/Akt signalling. Cardiovasc Res. 82:468-475. (*Corresponding author)
  32. Chiu-Ling Hsu, Yuh-Lin Wu, Gau-Jun Tang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2009. Ginkgo biloba extract confers protection from cigarette smoke extract-induced apoptosis in human lung endothelial cells: Role of heme oxygenase-1. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 22:286-296. (*Corresponding author)
  33. Tsai CY, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou, Yuh-Lin Wu. 2009. Glucosamine inhibits IL-1b-mediated IL-8 production in prostate cancer cells by MAPK attenuation. J Cell Biochem. 108: 489-498.
  34. Po-Ling Yu, Ching-I Wu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Wynn H.T. Pan, Paulus S. Wang, and Shyi-Wu Wang. 2009. Estradiol attenuated the reduction of striatal dopamine by amphetamine in ovariectomized rats. J Cell Biochem. 108: 1318-1324.
  35. Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee. 2010. Intratracheal siRNA for the in vivo silencing of caspase-3: A novel therapy for acute lung injury? Crit Care Med. 38:1223-1224. (Editorial Comments)
  36. Kuo-Yun Lu, Li-Chieh Ching, Kuo-Hui Su, Yuan-Bin Yu, Yu Ru Kou, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Yu-Chu Huang, Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Ching Cheng, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2010. Erythropoietin suppresses the formation of macrophage foam cells: Role of liver X receptor a. Circulation. 121: 1828-1837. (*Corresponding author)
  37. Yuh-Lin Wu, Yu Ru Kou, Hui-Ling Ou, Han-Yun Chien, Kun-Han Chuang, Han-Hsun Liu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Cheng-Yen Tsai, Meng-Lun Lu. 2010. Glucosamine regulation of LPS-mediated inflammation in human bronchial epithelial cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 635: 219-226.
  38. Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Ching-Chian Pan, Chien-Chung Peng, Yu Ru Kou, Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Chieh Ching, Tsung-Huang Tsai, Ping-Chiang Lyu, Shu-Fen Chen, and Song-Kun Shyue*. 2010. Anti-atherogenic effect of berberine on LXRa-ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux in macrophages. J Cell Biochem. 111: 104-110. (*Corresponding author)
  39. Jin-Yi Tsai, Kuo-Hui Su, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Yuan-Bin Yu, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, An-Na Chiang, Yuh-Lin Wu, LC Ching, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2010. EGb761 ameliorates the formation of foam cells by regulating the expression of SR-A and ABCA1: Role of heme oxygenase-1. Cardiovasc Res. 88: 415-423. (*Corresponding author)
  40. Tsung-Huang Tsai, Shu-Fen Chen, Tai-Yu Huang, Chun-Fu Tzeng, Ann-Shyn Chiang,Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, and Song-Kun Shyue*. 2011. Impaired CD14 and CD36 expression, bacterial clearance and toll-like receptor 4–MyD88 signaling in caveolin-1–deleted macrophages and mice. Shock. 35: 92-99. (*Corresponding author)
  41. Tzu-Ming Wang, Chun-Jung Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Han-Yi Chao, Wen-Huey Wu, Shu-Chen Hsieh, Huey-Herng Sheu and An-Na Chianga. 2011. Docosahexaenoic acid attenuates VCAM-1 expression and NF-κB activation in TNF-a-treated human aortic endothelial cells. J Nutr Biochem. 22:187-194.
  42. Wen-Chin Chiu, Chun-Jung Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Zit-Jie, Chen, Pei-Hsin Ke, and An-Na Chiang. 2011. Oxidative stress enhances AP-1 and NF-kB-mediated regulation of b2-glycoprotein I gene expression in hepatoma cells. J Cell Biochem. 111: 988-998.
  43. Li-Ching Cheng, Kuo-Hui Su, Li-Chieh Ching, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Yuh-Lin Wu, Kuo-Yun Lu, Chien-Yu Chen, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee* . 2011. a-lipoic acid ameliorates foam cell formation via liver X receptor a-dependent up-regulation of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 and G1. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 50: 47-54. (*Corresponding author)
  44. Che-Feng Chang, Shu-Fen Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hung-Fu Lee, Szu-Fu Chen, Song-Kun Shyue. 2011. Caveolin-1 Deletion Reduces Early Brain Injury after Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Am. J. Pathol. 178: 1749-1761.
  45. Chun-Yueh Lin*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Chin-Chang Chen, Cheng-An Chang, Yan-Jie Lin, Yung-Pei Hsu, Low-Tone Ho. 2011. Endothelin-1 exacerbates lipid accumulation by increasing the protein degradation of the ATP-binding cassette transporter G1 in macrophages. J Cell Physiol: 226: 2198-2205. (*these authors contributed equally to this work).
  46. Kuo-Hui Su, Song-Kun Shyue, Li-Chieh Ching, Yu Ru Kou, An-Na Chiang, Yuan-Bin Yu, Chien-Yu Chen, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2011. b common receptor integrates the erythropoietin signaling in activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. J Cell Physiol. 226:3330-3339. (*Corresponding author)
  47. Gau-Jun Tang, Hsin-Yi Wang, Jen-Ying Wang, Chih-Chieh Lee, Hsu-Wen Tseng, Yuh-Lin Wu, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2011. The novel role of the AMP-activated protein kinase signaling in the induction of IL-8 in human lung epithelial cells and lung inflammation in mice by cigarette smoke. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 50:1492-502.
  48. Li-Chieh Ching, Yu Ru Kou, Song-Kun Shyue, Kuo-Hui Su, Jeng Wei, Li-Ching Cheng, Yuan-Bin Yu, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2011. Molecular mechanisms of activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase mediated by endothelial transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1. Cardiovasc Res. 91:492-501. (*Corresponding author)
  49. Chi-Huei Chiang, Chiao-Hui Chuang, Shiou-Ling Liu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou, Haibo Zhang. 2011. Apocynin attenuates ventilator-induced lung injury in an isolated and perfused rat lung model. Intensive Care Med. 37:1360-1367.
  50. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou. 2011. How alcohol impairs the granulocyte expansion during septicemia. Crit Care Med. 39: 2194-2195.
  51. Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Chieh Ching, Song-Kun Shyue, An-Na Chiang, Yuh-Lin Wu, Yu Ru Kou, Ching-Chian Pan, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2011. Wogonin promotes cholesterol efflux by increasing protein phosphatase 2B-dependent dephosphorylation on ATP-binding cassette transporter-A1 in macrophage foam cells. J Nutr Biochem. 22:1015-1021. (*Corresponding author)
  52. Yu-Wen Hung, Sing-I Yang, Pei-Yu Huang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Terry B.J. Kuo, Chun-Hing Yiu, Yang-Hsin Shih, Yung-Yang Lin. 2012. The duration of sustained convulsive seizures determines the pattern of hippocampal neurogenesis and the development of spontaneous epilepsy in rats. Epilepsy Research. 98:206-215.
  53. Yi-Jen Liao, Tzu-Lang Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hsiang-An Wang, Chung-Kwe Wang, Li-Ying Liao, Ren-Shyan Liu, Shiu-Feng Huang, and Yi-Ming Arthur Chen. 2012. Glycine N-methyltransferase deficiency affects Niemann-Pick type C2 protein stability and regulates hepatic cholesterol homeostasis. Molecular Medicine. 18:412-422.
  54. Hsin-Han Hou, Bruce D. Hammock, Kou-Hui Su, Yu Ru Kou, Christophe Morisseau, Susumu Imaoka, Ami Oguro, Song-Kun Shyue, Jin-Feng Zhao, and Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. N-terminal domain of soluble epoxide hydrolase negatively regulates the VEGF-mediated activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Cardiovasc Res. 93:120-129. (*Corresponding author)
  55. Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou. 2012. Enhancing endothelial progenitor cell therapy for critical limb ischemia by extracorporeal shock wave. Crit Care Med. 40:332-333.
  56. Kuo-Hui Su, Yuan-Bin Yu, Hsin-Han Hou, Jin-Feng Zhao, Yu Ru Kou, Li-Ching Cheng, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. AMP-activated protein kinase mediates erythropoietin-induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. J Cell Physiol. 27: 3053-3062. (*Corresponding author)
  57. Jing-Feng Zhao, Li-Chieh Ching, Yu-Chu Huang, Chien-Yu Chen, An-Na Chiang, Yu Ru Kou, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. Molecular mechanism of curcumin on the suppression of cholesterol accumulation in macrophage foam cells and atherosclerosis. Mol Nutr Food Res. 56:691-701. (*Corresponding author)
  58. Hung-Fu Lee, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2012. Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects of triptolide on traumatic brain injury in rats. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 182: 1-8. (*Corresponding author).
  59. Yuan-Bin Yu, Yu-Wen Liao, Kou-Hui Su, Tsung-Ming Chang, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. Prior exercise training alleviates the lung inflammation induced by subsequent exposure to environmental cigarette smoke. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 205: 532-540. (*Corresponding author)
  60. Chien-Yu Chen, Li-Chieh Ching, Yi-Jen Liao, Yuan-Bin Yu, Chia-Yuan Tsou, Song-Kun Shyue, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. Deficiency of glycine N-methyltransferase aggravates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-null mice. Molecular Medicine. 18: 744-752. (*Corresponding author)
  61. Yu-Cheng Chang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, An-Na Chiang. 2012. Quercetin enhances ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 expression and cholesterol efflux through a p38-dependent pathway in macrophages. J Lipid Res. 53: 1840-1850.
  62. Yu YB, Gau JP, Liu CY, Yang MH, Chiang SC, Hsu HC, Hong YC, Hsiao LT, Liu JH, Chiou TJ, Chen PM, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Chou LF, Tzeng CH, Chen TJ. 2012. A nation-wide analysis of venous thromboembolism in 497,180 cancer patients with the development and validation of a risk-stratification scoring system. Thromb Haemost. 108: 225-235.
  63. Li-Chieh Ching, Chien-Yu Chen, Kuo-Hui Su, Hsin-Han Hou, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2012. Implication of AMP-activated protein kinase in transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1-mediated activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Molecular Medicine. 18: 805-815. (*Corresponding author)
  64. Ko-Lin Kuo, Szu-Chun Hung, Yao-Ping Lin, Ching-Fang Tang, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Chih-Pei Lin, Der-Cherng Tarng. 2012. Intravenous ferric chloride hexahydrate supplementation induced endothelial dysfunction and increased cardiovascular risk among hemodialysis patients PLos One. 7: e50295.
  65. Wen-Chin Chiu, Jan-Yu Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Li-Ru You, An-Na Chiang. 2013. b-Glycoprotein I inhibits VEGF-induced proliferation and migration of human aortic endothelial cells and suppresses phosphorylation of VEGFR2, ERK1/2 and Akt. Mol Cell Biochem. 372: 9-15.
  66. Diahn-Warng Perng, Tsung-Ming Chang, Jen-Ying Wang, Chih-Chieh Lee, Shing-Hwa Lu, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2013. Inflammatory role of AMP-activated protein kinase signaling in experimental model of wood-smoke inhalation injury. Crit Care Med. 41: 120-132. (*Corresponding author)
  67. Jeng Wei, Li-Chieh Ching, Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2013. Essential role of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 in the evodiamine-mediated protection against atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E deficient mice. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 207:299-307. (*Corresponding author)
  68. Jin-Feng Zhao, Li-Chieh Ching, Yu Ru Kou, Shing-Jong Lin, Jeng Wei, Song-Kun Shyue*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2013. Activation of TRPV1 prevents oxLDL-induced lipid accumulation and TNF-a-induced inflammation in macrophages: Role of liver X receptor. Mediators of Inflammation. 925171. (*Corresponding author)
  69. Jin-Feng Zhao, Shr-Jeng Jim Leu, Song-Kun Shyue, Kuo-Hui Su, Jeng Weid*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2013. Novel effect of paeonol on the formation of foam cells: Promotion of LXRa-ABCA1-dependent cholesterol efflux in macrophages. Am J Chin Med. 41:1079-1096. (*Corresponding author)
  70. Li-Chieh Ching, Jin-Feng Zhao, Kuo-Hui Su, Song-Kun Shyue, Chiao-Po Hsu, Tse-Min Lu, Shing-Jong Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2013. Activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 decreases endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation at Thr497 by protein phosphatase 2B-dependent dephosphorylation of protein kinase C. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 209:124-135. (*Corresponding author)
  71. Wei-Wen Chen, Chen-Hao Chien, Chiung-Lin Wang, Huai-Hsien Wang, Yuh-Lin Wang, Shih-Torng Ding, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ta-Chau Chang. 2013. Automated quantitative analysis of lipid accumulation and hydrolysis in living macrophages with label-free imaging. Anal Bioanal Chem. 405:8549-8559.
  72. Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Shing-Jong Lin, Jeng Wei*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2014. Excess nitric oxide impairs liver X receptor a-ATP-binding cassette transporter A1-dependent cholesterol efflux in macrophage foam cells. J Cell Physiol. 229:117-125. (*Corresponding author)
  73. Hsin-Kuo Ko, Wen-Hu Hsu, Chin-Cheng Hsieh, Te-Cheng Lien, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou. 2014. High expression of high-mobility group box 1 in the blood and lungs is associated with the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers. Respirology 19:253-261.
  74. Wen-Yueh Chou, Jin-Feng Zhao, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen, Kuan-I Lee, Kuo-Hui Su, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shuan Lee*. 2014. Role of glycine N-methyltransferase in experimental ulcerative colitis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 29:494-501. (*Corresponding author)
  75. Chia-Yuan Tsou, Chien-Yu Chen, Jin-Feng Zhao, Kuo-Hui Su, Hsueh-Te Lee, Shing-Jong Lin, Song-Kun Shyue, Sheng-Huang Hsiao*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2014. Activation of soluble guanylyl cyclase prevents foam cell formation and atherosclerosis. Acta Physiologica. 210: 799-810. (*Corresponding author)
  76. Yuh-Lin Wu, An-Hsuan Lin, Chao-Hung Chen, Wen-Chien, Huang, Hsin-Yi Wang, Meng-Han Liu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2014. Glucosamine attenuates cigarette smoke induced-lung inflammation via its antioxidant function and inhibition of ROS-sensitive inflammatory signaling. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 69: 208-218. (*Corresponding author)
  77. Kuo-Hui Su, Kuan-I Lee, Song-Kun Shyue, Jeng Wei, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2014. Implication of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 in 14,15-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid-induced angiogenesis. Int J Biol Sci. 10: 990-996. (*Corresponding author)
  78. Meng-Han Liu, An-Hsuan Lin, Hung-Fu Lee, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2014. Paeonol attenuates cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation by inhibiting ROS-sensitive inflammatory signaling. Mediators of Inflammation. 2014:651890 (*Corresponding author)
  79. Kuo-Hui Su, Shing-Jong Lin, Jeng Wei, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Kuan-I Lee, Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2014. The essential role of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 in simvastatin-induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and angiogenesis. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 212: 191–204. (*Corresponding author)
  80. Ko-Lin Kuo, Szu-Chun Hung, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Der-Cherng Tarng*. 2014. Iron sucrose accelerates early atherogenesis through increasing superoxide production and up-regulation of adhesion molecules in mice of remnant kidney. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25:2596-606. (*Corresponding author)
  81. Meng-Han Liu, An-Hsuan Lin, Shing-Hwa Lu, Ruo-Yun Peng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2014. Eicosapentaenoic acid attenuates cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation by inhibiting ROS-sensitive inflammatory signaling. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology. 5: 440. (*Corresponding author)
  82. Yu-Wen Hung, Shao-Wen Hung, Yi-Chen Wu, Lin-King Wong, Ming-Tsong Lai, Yang-Hsin Shih, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yung-Yang Lin*. 2015. Soluble epoxide hydrolase activity regulates inflammatory responses and seizure generation in two mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 43: 118-129. (*Corresponding author)
  83. Kuan-Chuan Pao, Jin-Feng Zhao, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Ying-Pei Huang, Chien-Chung Han, Lin-Chiang Sherlock Huang, Ming-Hua Hsu*. 2015. Low-dose paeonol derivatives alleviate lipid accumulation. RSC Advances 5:5652-5656.
  84. Hsin-Kuo Ko, Hung-Fu Lee, An-Hsuan Lin, Meng-Han Liu, Ching-I Liu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2015. Regulation of cigarette smoke induction of IL-8 in macrophages by AMP-activated protein kinase signaling: Role of nAChRs and ROS. J Cell Physiol. 230: 1781-1793.(*Corresponding author)
  85. Chin-Wei Chiang, Hsueh-Te Lee, Der-Cherng Tarng, Ko-Lin Kuo, Li-Ching Cheng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2015. Deletion of soluble epoxide hydrolase attenuates inflammation and fibrosis in experimental obstructive nephropathy. Mediators of Inflammation. 2015:693260. (*Corresponding author)
  86. Bei-Chia Guo, Jeng Wei, Kuo-Hui Su, An-Na Chiang, Li-Ching Cheng, Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2015. Transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 is vital in (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate-mediated activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Mol Nutr Food Res. 59: 646-657.  (*Corresponding author)
  87. Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Kuo-Yun Lu, Yuan-Bin Yu, Hsueh-Te Lee, Feng-Chuan Tsai. 2015. b common receptor mediates erythropoietin-conferred suppression on oxLDL-induced lipid accumulation and inflammation in macrophages. Mediators of Inflammation. 2015:439759. (*Corresponding author)
  88. Hsin-Han Hou, Yi-Jen Liao, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2015. Role of phosphatase activity of soluble epoxide hydrolase in regulating simvastatin-activated endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Scientific Reports 5:13524. (*Corresponding author).
  89. An-Hsuan Lin, Meng-Han Liu, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee* and Yu Ru Kou*. 2015. Lung epithelial TRPA1 transduce the extracellular ROS into transcriptional regulation of lung inflammation induced by cigarette smoke: the role of influxed Ca2+. Mediators of Inflammation. 2015:148367. (*Corresponding author)
  90. Han-Fang Wu, Hsin-Ju Yen, Chi-Chen Huang, Yi-Chao Lee, Su-Zhen Wu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Hui-Ching Lin. 2015. Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor enhances synaptic neurotransmission and plasticity in mouse prefrontal cortex. J Biomed Sci. 22:94.
  91. Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Excess nitric oxide activates TRPV1-Ca2+-calpain signaling and promotes the PEST-dependent degradation of liver X receptor a. Int J Biol Sci. 12:18-29. (*Corresponding author)
  92. Jin-Feng Zhao, Sheng-Huang Hsiao, Ming-Hua Hsu, Kuan-Chuan Pao, Yu Ru Kou, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate accelerates atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Archives of Toxicology. 90: 181-190. (*Corresponding author)
  93. Kuan-I Lee, Chin-Wei Chiang, Hui-Ching Lin, Jin-Feng Zhao, Cheng-Ta Li, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Maternal di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure deregulates blood pressure, adiposity, cholesterol metabolism and social interaction in offspring. Archives of Toxicology. 90:1211-1224. (*Corresponding author)
  94. Chiao-Po Hsu, Jin-Feng Zhao, Shing-Jong Lin, Song-Kun Shyue, Bei-Chia Guo, Tse-Min Lu*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Asymmetric dimethylarginine limits the efficacy of simvastatin activating endothelial nitric oxide synthase. J Am Heart Assoc. 5: e003327. (*Corresponding author)
  95. Kuan-I Lee, Hsueh-Te Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Huey-Jen Tsay, Feng-Chuan Tsai, Song-Kun Shyue, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2016. Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channels in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 13:92. (*Corresponding author)
  96. Jin-Feng Zhao, Song-Kun Shyue, Yu Ru Kou, Tse-Min Lu*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channel involved in atherosclerosis and macrophage-foam cell formation. 2016. Int J Biol Sci. 12: 812-823. (*Corresponding author)
  97. Wei-Ming Chen, Wayne H-H Sheu, Pei-Chi Tseng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Wen-Jane Lee, Pey-Jium Chang, Chiang. 2016. Modulation of microRNA expression in subjects with metabolic syndrome and decrease of cholesterol efflux from macrophages via microRNA-33-mediated attenuation of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 expression by statins. PLOS ONE. 11: e0154672.
  98. Yuh-Ching Twu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yun-Lian Lin, Shih-Ming Hsu, Yuan-Hsi Wang, Chia-Yu Liao, Chung-Kwe Wang, Yu-Chih Liang, Yi-Jen Liao. 2016. Niemann-Pick type C2 protein mediates hepatic stellate cells activation by regulating free cholesterol accumulation. Int J Mol Sci. 17: 1122.
  99. Yi-Jen Liao, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yuh-Ching Twu, Ching-Ping Yang, Chung-Kwe Wang, Shih-Ming Hsu, Yu-Chih Liang, and Yi-Ming Chen. 2016. Glycine N-methyltransferase deficiency accumulate triglycerides and impair insulin signaling by modulating PI3K/Akt pathway in the liver. J Biomed Sci. 23:69.
  100. Tse-Min Lu, Chiao-Po Hsu, Chao-Fu Chang, Chih-Ching Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shing-Jong Lin, Wan-Leong Chan. Asymmetric dimethylarginine predicts the risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. Atherosclerosis. 254:161-166.
  101. Yuan-Bin Yu, Kuo-Hui Su, Bei-Chia Guo, Kuan-I Lee, Jeng Wei, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2017. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 in regulating erythropoietin-induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Acta Physiologica. 219:465-477.
  102. Kuan-I Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Hsueh-Te Lee, Feng-Chuan Tsai, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2017. Loss function of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channels deregulates emotional, social, cognitive, learning and memory development. Molecular Neurobiology. 54:3606-3617. (*Corresponding author)
  103. Meng-Han Liu, An-Hsuan Lin, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2017. Prevention of bleomycin-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in mice by paeonol. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology. 8:193. (*Corresponding author)
  104. An-Hsuan Lin, Meng-Han Liu, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2017. Inflammatory effects of menthol versus non-menthol cigarette smoke extract on human lung epithelial cells: a double-hit on TRPM8 by ROS and menthol. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology. 27;8:263. (*Corresponding author)
  105. Tse-Min Lu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shing-Jong Lin, Wan-Leong Chan, Chiao-Po Hsu. 2017. The prognostic value of asymmetric dimethylarginine in patients with cardiac syndrome X. PLoS One. 12:e0188995.
  106. Chia-Hui Chen, Song-Kun Shyue, Chia-Po Hsu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2018. Atypical antipsychotic drug olanzapine deregulates hepatic lipid metabolism and aortic inflammation and aggravates atherosclerosis. Cell Physiol Biochem. 50:1216-1229. (*Corresponding author)
  107. An-Hsuan Lin, Meng-Han Liu, Hsin-Kuo Ko, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Yu Ru Kou*. 2018. Menthol cigarette smoke induces more severe lung inflammation than non-menthol cigarette smoke does in mice with subchronic exposure - role of TRPM8. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology. 2018;9:1817. (*Corresponding author)
  108. Jin-Feng Zhao, Hsiang-Ying Chen, Jeng Wei, Shr-Jeng Jim Leu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. CCN family member 1 deregulates cholesterol metabolism and aggravates atherosclerosis. Acta Physiologica (Oxford). 225:e13209. (*Corresponding author)
  109. Hsueh-Te Lee, Kuan-I Lee, Hui-Ching Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. Genetic deletion of soluble epoxide hydroxylase causes anxiety-like behaviors in mice. Molecular Neurobiology. 56(4):2495-2507. (*Corresponding author)
  110. Chia-Hui Chen, Jin-Feng Zhao, Chiao-Po Hsu, Tse-Min Luc*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. The detrimental effect of asymmetric dimethylarginine on cholesterol efflux of macrophage foam cells: Role of the NOX/ROS signaling. Free Radical Biology Medicine. 143: 354-365. (*Corresponding author)
  111. Chih-Chan Lien, Chia-Hui Chen, Yeng-Ming Lee, Li-Ching Cheng, Ching-Chien Pan, Song-Kun Shyue*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. The phosphatase activity of soluble epoxide hydrolase regulates ATP-binding cassette transporter-A1-dependent cholesterol efflux. J Cell Mol Med. 23(10):6611-6621. (*Corresponding author)
  112. Hsueh-Te Lee, Kuan-I Lee, Chia-Hui Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2019. Genetic deletion of soluble epoxide hydrolase delays the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 16(1):267. (*Corresponding author)
  113. Chung-Kuan Wu, Chia-Lin Wu, Tzu-Cheng Su, Yu Ru Kou, Chew-Teng Kor, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Der-Cherng Tarng. 2019. Renal tubular TRPA1 as a risk factor for recovery of renal function from acute tubular necrosis. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8(12). pii: E2187.
  114. Heng-Huei Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shing-Jong Lin, Yi-Chen Yeh, Tse-Min Lu*, Chiao-Po Hsu. 2019. DDAH-2 alleviates contrast medium iopromide-induced acute kidney injury through nitric oxide synthase. Clinical Science (Lond). 133(23):2361-2378.
  115. Ko-Lin Kuo, Jin-Feng Zhao, Po-Hsun Huang, Bei-Chia Guo, Der-Cherng Tarng*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Indoxyl sulfate impairs valsartan-induced neovascularization. Redox Biology. 30: 101433. (*Corresponding author)
  116. Li-Ching Cheng, Bei‐Chia Guo, Chia-Hui Chen, Chi-Jen Chang, Ta-Sen Yeh*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Endothelial nitric oxide mediates the anti-atherosclerotic action of Torenia Concolor Lindley var. Formosama Yamazaki. Intl J Mol Sci. 2020, 21, 1532. (*Corresponding author)
  117. Yi-Huan Chen, Yi Ju Wu, Wei-Cheng Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Tsui-Chun Tsou, Hsuan-Chia Chang, Sheng-Wen Lo, Shen Liang Chen. 2020. MEHP interferes with mitochondrial functions and homeostasis in skeletal muscle cells. Bioscience Reports. 40(4). pii: BSR20194404.
  118. Po-An Hu, Chia-Hui Chen, Bei‐Chia Guo, Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Bromelain confers protection against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Nutrients 12, 1458. (*Corresponding author)
  119. Chia-Hui Chen, Sin-Ni Ho, Po-An Hu, Yu Ru Kou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Food preservative sorbic acid deregulates hepatic fatty acid metabolism. Journal Food and Drug Analysis. 28(2): 12-22. (*Corresponding author)
  120. Jhih-Wei Hsu, Chung-Yi Nien, Szu-Ching Yeh, Feng-Yuan Tsai, Hsin-Wei Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Shen-Liang Chen, Yung-Hsi Kao, Tsui-Chun Tsou. 2020. Phthalate exposure causes browning-like effects on adipocytes in vitro and in vivo. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 142:111487.
  121. Bei-Chia Guo, Ko-Lin Kuo, Chia-Hui Chen, Shen-Liang Chen, Tsui-Chun Tsou, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2020. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate limits the pleiotropic effects of statins in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing dialysis and endothelial cells. Environmental Pollution 267: 115548. (*Corresponding author)
  122. Hsin-Kuo Ko, An-Hsuan Lin, Diahn-Warng Perng, Tzong-Shyuan Lee* and Yu Ru Kou*. 2020. Lung epithelial TRPA1 mediates lipopolysaccharide-induced lung inflammation in bronchial epithelial cells and mice. Frontiers in Physiology: Respiratory Physiology 2020;11:596314. (*Corresponding author)
  123. Chung-Kuan Wu, Chia-Lin Wu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou and Der Cherng Tarng. 2021. Renal tubular epithelial TRPA1 acts as an oxidative stress sensor to mediate ischemia-reperfusion-induced kidney injury through MAPKs/NF-kB signaling. Intl J Mol Sci. 22, 2309. 
  124. Man-Chen Hsu, Bei-Chia Guo, Chia-Hui Chen, Po-An Hu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2021. Apigenin ameliorates hepatic lipid accumulation by activating the autophagy-mitochondrial pathway. Journal Food and Drug Analysis. 29(2): 240-254. (*Corresponding author).
  125. Chung-Kuan Wu, Ji-Fan Lin, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yu Ru Kou, Der-Cherng Tarng*. 2021. Role of TRPA1 in tissue damage and kidney disease. Intl J Mol Sci. 22(7):3415.
  126. Chia-Hui Chen1, Shr-Jeng Jim Leu, Chiao-Po Hsu, Ching-Chian Pan, Song-Kun Shyuan*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2021. Atypical antipsychotic drugs deregulate the cholesterol metabolism of macrophage-foam cells by activating NOX-ROS-PPARg-CD36 signaling pathway. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental. 123: 14847 (*Corresponding author).
  127. Tzong-Shyuan Lee*, Tse-Min Lu, Chia-Hui Chen, Bei‐Chia Guo, Chiao-Po Hsu*. 2021. Hyperuricemia induces endothelial dysfunction and accelerates atherosclerosis by disturbing the asymmetric dimethylarginine/dimethylarginine dimethylaminotransferase 2 pathway. Redox Biology. 46:102108. (*Corresponding author).
  128. Man-Chen Hsu, Wei-Jia Luo, Bei-Chia Guo, Chia-Hui Chen, Po-An Hu, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Kang-Yi Su*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2022. Genetic deletion of HLJ1 does not affect blood coagulation in mice. Intl J Mol Sci. 23(4):2064.
  129. Po-An Hu, Sz-Han Wang, Chia-Hui Chen, Bei-Chia Guo, Jenq-Wen Huang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2022. New mechanisms of bromelain in alleviating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-induced deregulation of blood coagulation. Nutrients. 14:2329. (*Corresponding author).
  130. Po-An Hu, Man-Chen Hsu, Sz-Han Chen, Chia-Hui Chen, Yu Ru Kou, Jenq-Wen Huang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2022. Bromelain activates the AMP-activated protein kinase-autophagy pathway to alleviate hepatic lipid accumulation. Journal Food and Drug Analysis. 30:357e368. (*Corresponding author).
  131. Chia-Hui Chen, Bei-Chia Guo, Po-An Hu, Hsueh-Te Lee, Hsuan-Yun Hu, Man-Chen Hsu, Wen-Hua Chen, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2022. Ractopamine accelerates atherosclerosis by inducing endothelial dysfunction and promoting the formation of macrophage-foam cells. Environmental Pollution. 313:120080. (*Corresponding author).
  132. Chia-Hui Chen, Chien-Chung Hsia, Po-An Hu, Chung-Hsin Yeh, Chun-Tang Chen, Cheng-Liang Peng, Chih-Hsien Wang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2023. Bromelain ameliorates atherosclerosis by activating the TFEB-mediated autophagy and antioxidant pathways. Antioxidants (Basel). 12(1), 72 (*Corresponding author).
  133. Bei-Chia Guo, Ko-Lin Kuo, Der-Cherng Tarng*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee,*. 2023. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate limits the lipid-lowering effects of simvastatin by promoting the protein degradation of low-density lipoprotein receptor: Role of PPARg-PCSK9 and LXRa-IDOL signaling pathways. Antioxidants (Basel);12(2):477.
  134. Ko-Lin Kuo*, Chin-Wei Chiang, Yi-Ming Arthur Chen, Chih-Chin Yu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2023. Folic acid ameliorates renal injury in experimental obstructive nephropathy: Role of glycine N-methyltransferase. Intl J Mol Sci. 24(7), 6859. (*Corresponding author).
  135. Wen-Hua Chen, Bei-Chia Guo, Chia-Hui Chen, Man-Chen Hsu, Chih-Hsien Wang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2023. Autophagy-urea cycle pathway is essential for the statin-mediated nitric oxide bioavailability in endothelial cells. Journal Food and Drug Analysis. 31:519e533 (*Corresponding author).
  136. Chia‑Lin Wu, Yu‑Wei Fang, Yi‑Chou Hou, Kuo‑Cheng Lu, Wen‑Hsin Tsai, Ping‑Hsun Lu, Tzong‑Shyuan Lee, Ko‑Lin Kuo*. 2023. Association of mono‑2‑ethylhexyl phthalate with adverse outcomes in chronic hemodialysis patients. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30:120366–120374.
  137. Wen-Hua Chen, Chia-Hui Chen, Man-Chen Hsu, Ru-Wen Chang, Chih-Hsien Wang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2024. Advances in the molecular mechanisms of statins in regulating endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability: Interlocking biology between eNOS activity and L-arginine metabolism. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 171: 116192. (*Corresponding author).
  138. Man-Chen Hsu, Chia-Hui Chen, Mu-Chun Wang, Po-An Hu, Bei-Chia Guo, Ru-Wen Chang, Chih-Hsien Wang*, Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2024. Apigenin targets fetuin-A to ameliorate obesity-induced insulin resistance. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 20(5):1563-1577. (*Corresponding author)
  139. Ru-Wen Chang, Man-Chen Hsu, Tzong-Shyuan Lee, Yih-Sharng Chen, Chih-Hsien Wang. 2024. Selective brain perfusion improves neurological outcome after extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in rat model. Artificial Organs. 48(7):743-752.
  140. Julia Chu-Ning Hsu, Hsu-Wen Tseng, Chia-Hui Chen and Tzong-Shyuan Lee*. 2024. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 interacts with TLR4/CD14 signaling pathway in lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammation in macrophages.  Experimental Animals. 73 (3): 336-346. (*Corresponding author).



