- 職 稱:教授
- 學 歷:美國德州大學西南醫學中心 博士
- 專 長:神經遺傳學及退化性疾病
- 聯絡電話:(02)23123456 ext 288240
- E-mail:chancc1@ntu.edu.tw
本實驗室的研究興趣為老化、神經退化及相關疾病之致病機轉。目前課題主要探討神經鞘脂質(sphingolipids)代謝網路如何調控神經系統功能。我們利用光遺傳學(optogenetics)、基因編輯術(CRISPR/cas9 genome editing)、分子生物學、共軛焦顯微鏡以及行為科學,在活體研究腦的細胞自噬 (autophagy)、外吐作用 (exocytosis) 、以及外泌小體 (exosome) 如何調控神經聯結、對抗神經退化、以及調節老化等功能。
神經退化 (I): 中樞神經的鞘脂失衡 (Sphingolipids imbalance) 影響自由基生成 (ROS production) 及調控細胞內膜運輸 (Intracellular membrane trafficking) 的分子機制;
神經退化 (II): 中樞神經的細胞自噬 (autophagy) 與外泌體 (exosome) 如何影響神經及膠細胞的交互作用(neuron-glia communication) 與調控神經退化;
老化: 研究在腦中特有的Rab GTPases調控個體老化及延長壽命的功能及分子機制;
疾病模式: 與臨床夥伴合作,建立新穎致病基因所造成的神經退化性疾病 (包括Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2B, CMT 2D, and Parkinsonism) 的動物模式。
(* corresponding author)
Yeh JY, Chao CH, Hong CL, Hung YC, Tzou FY, Hsiao CT, Li JL, Chen WJ, Chou CT, Tsai YS, Liao YC, Lin YC, Lin S, Huang SY, Kennerson M, Lee YC*, Chan CC*: A missense mutation in human INSC causes peripheral neuropathy. EMBO Molecular Medicine (2024)
Hung YC, Huang KL, Chen PL, Li JL, Lu SHA, Chang JC, Lin HY, Lo WC, Huang SY, Lee TT, Lin TY, Imai Y, Hattori N, Liu CS, Tsai SY, Chen CH, Lin CH*, Chan CC*: UQCRC1 engages cytochrome c for neuronal apoptotic cell death. Cell Reports (2021) 36(12):109729
Tzou FY, Su TY, Lin WS, Kuo HC, Yu YL, Yeh YH, Liu CC, Kuo CH, Huang SY, Chan CC*: Dihydroceramide desaturase regulates the compartmentalization of Rac1 for neuronal oxidative stress. Cell Reports (2021) 35(2):108972
Wu CY, Jhang JG, Lin WS, Chuang PH, Lin CW, Chu LA, Chiang AS, Ho HC, Chan CC*, Huang SY*: Dihydroceramide desaturase promotes the formation of intraluminal vesicles and inhibits autophagy to increase exosome production. iScience (2021) 14;24(12):103437.
Li JL, Lin TY, Chen PL, Guo TN, Huang SY, Chen CH, Lin CH, Chan CC*: Mitochondrial function and Parkinson's disease: from the perspective of the electron transport chain. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience (2021) 315.
Tzou FY, Wen JK, Yeh JY, Huang SY, Chen GC*, Chan CC*: Drosophila as a model to study autophagy in neurodegenerative diseases and digestive tract. IUBMB Life (2022) 74(4) 339-60. Invited Review
Kohrs FE, Daumann IM, Pavlovic B, Jin EJ, Kiral FR, Lin SC, Port F, Wolfenberg H, Mathejczyk TF, Linneweber GA, Chan CC, Boutros M, Hiesinger PR*: Systemic functional analysis of Rab GTPases reveals limits of neuronal robustness to environmental challenges in flies. eLife (2021) 10:e59594
Lin CH, Tsai PI, Lin HY, Hattori N, Funayama M, Jeon B, Sato K, Abe K, Mukai Y, Takahashi Y, Li Y, Nishioka K, Yoshino H, Daida K, Chen ML, Cheng J, Huang CY, Tzeng SR, Wu YS, Lai HJ, Tsai HH, Yen RF, Lee NC, Lo WC, Hung YC, Chan CC, Ke YC, Chao CC, Hsieh ST, Farrer M*, Wu RM*: Mitochondrial UQCRC1 mutations cause autosomal dominant parkinsonism with polyneuropathy. Brain (2020) 143(11):3352-3373
Lien WY, Chen YT, Li YJ, Wu JK, Huang KL, Lin JR, Lin SC, Hou CC, Wang HD, Wu CL, Huang SY, Chan CC*: Lifespan regulation in α/β posterior neurons of the fly mushroom bodies by Rab27. Aging Cell (2020) 19(8):e13179
Lin KY, Wang WD, Lin CH, Rastegari E, Su YH, Chang YC, Chang YT, Liao YF, Pi H, Yu BY, Chen SH, Lin CY, Lu MY, Su TY, Tzou FY, Chan CC, Hsu HJ*: Piwi Reduction in the Aged Niche Eliminates Germline Stem Cells via Toll-GSK3 Signaling. Nature Communications (2020) 11(1):3147
Tsai HY, Wu SC, Li JC, Chen YM, Chan CC, Chen CH*: Loss of the Drosophila branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complex (BCKDH) results in neuronal dysfunction. Disease Models and Mechanisms (2020) 13(8):dmm.044750
Ibrahim RB, Yeh SY, Lin KP, Ricaro F, Yu TY, Chan CC, Tsai JW, Liu YT*: Cellular secretion and toxicity of transthyretin mutant proteins underlie late-onset amyloidosis and neurodegeneration. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2019) 77(7):1421-1434
Wen JK, Wang YT, Chan CC, Hsieh CW, Liao HM, Hung CC, Chen GC* Atg9 antagonizes TOR signaling to regulate intestinal cell growth and epithelial homeostasis in Drosophila. eLife (2017) Nov; 6:e29338
Yang CN, Wu MF, Liu CC, Jung WH, Chang YC, Lee WP, Shiao YJ, Wu CL, Liou HH, Lin SK, Chan CC*. Differential protective effects of connective tissue growth factor against Aβ neurotoxicity on neurons and glia. Human Molecular Genetics (2017) 26(20): 3909-3921
Jung WH, Liu CC, Yu YL, Chang YC, Lien WY, Chao HC, Huang SY, Kuo CH, Ho HC, Chan CC*. Lipophagy prevents activity-dependent neurodegeneration due to dihydroceramide accumulation in vivo. EMBO Reports (2017) 18(7):1150-1165
Tsai PC, Soong BW, Mademan I, Huang YH, Liu CR, Hsiao CT, Wu HT, Liu TT, Liu YT, Tseng YT, Lin KP, Yang YC, Chung KW, Choi BO, Nocholson GA, Kennerson ML, Chan CC, De Jonghe P, Cheng TH, Liao YC, Zuchner S, Baets J, Lee YC*. A recurrent WARS mutation is a novel cause of autosomal dominant distal hereditary motor neuropathy. Brain (2017) 140(5):1252-1266.
Cherry S, Jin EJ, Özel MN, Lu Z, Agi E, Wang D, Jung WH, Epstein D, Meinertzhagen IA, Chan CC*, Hiesinger PR*: Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2B mutations in rab7 cause dosage-dependent neurodegeneration due to partial loss of function. eLife (2013) 2:e01064
Wang D, Chan CC, Cherry S, Hiesinger PR*: Membrane trafficking in neuronal maintenance and degeneration. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2013) 70(16):2919-34
Chan CC, Scoggin S, Wang D, Cherry S, Dembo T, Greenberg B, Jin J, Kuey C, Lopez A, Mehta S, Perkins TJ, Brankatschk M, Rothenfluh A, Buszczak M*, Hiesinger PR*: Systematic Discovery of Rab GTPases with Synaptic Functions in Drosophila. Current Biology (2011) 21(20): 1704-15
Chan CC, Epstein D, Hiesinger PR*: Intracellular Trafficking in Drosophila Visual System Development: a basis for pattern formation through simple mechanisms. Developmental Neurobiology (2011) 71(12):1227-45
Chung S, Vining MS, Bradley PL, Chan CC, Wharton KA Jr, Andrew DJ*: Serrano (sano) functions with the planar cell polarity genes to control tracheal tube length. PLoS Genetics (2009) 5(11):e1000746
Chan CC, Zhang S, Rousset R, Wharton KA Jr*: Drosophila Naked cuticle (Nkd) engages the nuclear import adaptor Importin-a3 to antagonize Wnt/b-catenin signaling. Developmental Biology (2008) 318: 17-28
Chan CC, Zhang S, Cagatay T, Wharton KA Jr: Cell-autonomous, myristyl-independent activity of the Drosophila Wnt/Wingless antagonist Naked cuticle (Nkd). Developmental Biology (2007) 311: 538-553
- Waldrop S, Chan CC, Cagatay T, Zhang S, Rousset R, Mack J, Zeng W, Fish M, Zhang M, Amanai M, Wharton KA Jr*: An unconventional nuclear localization motif is crucial for function of the Drosophila Wnt/Wingless antagonist Naked cuticle. Genetics (2006) 174: 331-348
May 2024: That's wonderful news! We're truly happy to hear that Yu-Jung has been honored with the DAAD Scholarship for German Academic Exchange at FU Berlin!
May 2024: We're excited to welcome Dr. Chih-Ying Su from the University of California San Diego (USA) to give an interesting lecture titled " Beyond combinatorial code: Olfactory coding and neuromodulation in Drosophila " at NTU College of Medicine (see photo)!
Apr 2024: We are thrilled to host Dr. Edward Giniger, a Senior Investigator at the National Institutes of Health (NIH @USA), for a lecture titled "What is aging, and why we die of it? " Hope u enjoy this incredibly informative and interesting lecture (see photo)!
Apr 2024: That's a big news! Paper accepted! Our work on“A missense mutation in human INSC causes peripheral neuropathy" by Jui-Yu et al. (collaborated with Dr. Yi-Chung Lee’s lab) was published on EMBO Mol Med. Hard work paid off! Congratulations to Jui-Yu!
Mar 2024: We are thrilled to host Professor Thomas Lloyd, Chair of Dept. Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine (USA), for a lecture titled "Crosstalk between proteostasis and nucleocytoplasmic transport regulation in ALS/FTD" (see photo)!
Feb 2024: Congratulation! It's truly heartwarming to hear that Jui-Yu has been honored with the NSTC Dragon-Gate Scholarship for Academic Exchange at UT Southwestern Medical Center!
Jan 2024: That's wonderful news! It's happy to hear that Kai-Hung received the National Science and Technology Council Graduate Research Fellowship! Congratulate him!
Jan 2024: That's great news! Congratulations to Yi Hsiao & Hsin-Chun on successfully defending their theses and earning their Master's degrees. So proud of you!
Nov 2023: We are excited to host Professor Gabor Juhasz from Eotvos University (Hungary) to give a "Trash talk" (Title: Mechanisms and roles of autophagic, crinophgic, and phagocytic degradation) in NTU College of Medicine (see photo)!
Oct 2023@FEBS Special Meeting on Sphingolipid Biology: the Dawn of a New Era @ Funchal, Madeira island, Portugal: CC attended this exciting meeting in Portugal, met many sphingolipid experts, and had a lotta fun!
Sep 2023: Wan-Syuan completed her master's degree in our lab. Obviously, the experience was not too bad, so she decided to stay here to continue her marvellous journey ('cept this time she's a PhD student). Welcome again :)
Aug 2023: We are excited to host Dr. Tzu-Ling Cheng from Arcus Biosciences (USA) For a lecture titled "My Journey of Oncology Drug Development" in NTU College of Medicine (see photo)!
July 2023@6th Asia-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference in Cairns, Australia: CC & Jeng-Lin attended this exciting meeting! CC gave a short talk! #koala_or_kangaroo
July 2023@TLL Temasek Lifesciences Laboratory in National University of Singapore: CC was invited to give an institutional seminar there. What a pleasure to visit Singapore! Nice people, good food, and a lot of fun!
July 2023: a new Master's student Yu-Chi joined our lab. Let's give her a warm welcome! Hope you're having fun!
Jun 2023: We have visitors! Welcome back Chen-Yi, Tsu-Yi & Kuan-Lin! We are happy to have a lunch date with our former students! <3 <3 <3
May 2023: We are excited to host Dr. Hong-Wen Tang from Duke-NUS Medicial School to give an interesting tallk (Crosstalk between RNA biogenesis and autophagy maintains cellular homeostasis) in NTU College of Medicine (see photo)!
May 2023: We are happy to host a Mini-symposium on Mitochondria and Developmental Biology in NTU College of Medicine. Please join us and welcome Dr. Alex Withworth (Oxford Univ), Dr. Jongkyeong Chung (Seoul Nat'l Univ) and many other mitochondria experts in Taiwan! (see photo)
Apr 2023: We are thrilled to host Dr. Ming Guo (UCLA), a world-class expert in mitochondria dynamics study, for an impressive talk in NTU! (see photo)
Mar 2023 @Dros23 64th Annual Drosophila Research Conference: CC & Yi Hsiao attended the Drosophila meeting in Chicago. That's a lotta fun!
Feb 2023: We are thrilled to host our former member Wei-Hung, now a postdoc @ Harvard Univ, for a talk! Welcome back Dr. Wei-Hung Jung! We are so proud of you!
Feb 2023: Yu-Chien is moving to Univ of Leicester, UK for a post-doc position. Bon Voyage!
Jan 2023: Wan-Syuan & Cheng-Li successfully defended their theses and received their Master’s degrees. Big congrats! So proud of you!
Dec 2022: Dr. Lie Cheng joined the lab as a postdoc. Welcome to the gang!
Dec 2022: We welcome Drs. Jen Liou (UT Southwestern) and Feng-Ching Tsai (Institut Curie, France) to deliver lectures in our Membrane Biology Double Header Seminar Series!
Sep 2022: Two PhD students Jui-Yu & Jeng-Lin and two Master’s students Kai-Hung & Yu-Jung joined the lab. Let’s give them a warm welcome.
Jun 2022: We welcome our summer interns: 哲嘉 (醫學系,sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology 科技部大專生計畫)、嘉亨 (農化系,sponsered by NTU Center of Regenetive medicine 台大再生醫學中心暑期研修)、均而(醫技系,sponsered by NTU Center of Regenetive medicine 台大再生醫學中心暑期研修). Hope y'all enjoy exploring science with us!
May 2022: Kuan-Lin successfully applied for a job. Let's give him a big applause.
Apr 2022: Yu-Chien and Fei-Yang won the Outstanding Research Award (both 2nd places) for PhD students at NTUCM (台大醫學院研究生論文獎- 博士班優等獎). Proud of you both!
Jan 2022: A new Ph.D. was born! Let’s give a big applause to Yu-Chien. Big congrats! We are proud of you!
Dec 2021: “Dihydroceramide desaturase promotes the formation of intraluminal vesicles and inhibits autophagy to increase exosome production” by Wan-Syuan et al. was published on iScience. Congrats!
Dec 2021: Paper accepted! Our work on “Drosophila as a model to study autophagy in neurodegenerative diseases and digestive tract” by Fei-Yang & Jui-Yu et al. (collaborated with Dr. Guang-Chao Chen’s lab) was published on IUBMB. Hard work paid off!
Dec 2021: Our work on “Mitochondrial Function and Parkinson’s Disease: From the Perspective of the Electron Transport Chain” by Jeng-Lin et al. was published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. Congrats!
Nov 2021: Congratulations! Yu-Chien was honored with the Scholarship for Outstanding Performance from National Taiwan University (台灣大學學生傑出表現獎).
Sep 2021: Two Master’s students Hsin-Chun & Yi joined the lab. Welcome to the gang!
Sep 2021: Welcome! TIGP student Jasmin Sureka to our lab for a rotation session! Hope you have fun here.
Aug 2021: The work from our lab (Hung et al.) "UQCRC1 engages cytochrome c for neuronal apoptotic cell death" was published on Cell Reports. Woohoo!
July 2021: Jui-Yu & Ting-Ni successfully received their Master’s degrees. Congrats!
Jun 2021@ 35th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science (JACBS): Congrats to Fei-Yang, who won 1st Place in the Oral Presentation Contest; also, Jui-Yu was awarded 2nd Place in Poster Presentation Contest. Good job!
Mar 2021: Paper accepted! Fei-Yang and Tsu-Yi et al. "Dihydroceramide desaturase regulates the compartmentalizayion of rac1 for neuronal oxidative stress" on Cell Reports. Outstanding!
Mar 2021: Lenny received the Outstanding PhD Thesis Award (博士班優秀論文獎 - 優等獎) from NTU College of Mecdicine. Congratulations!
Dec 2020: Lenny was awarded the Scholarship for Outstanding Performance in National Taiwan University. Excellent.
Sep 2020: Two Master’s students Wan-Syuan & Cheng-Li joined the lab. Welcome!
Sep 2020: Fei-Yang received Scholarship for Cultivating Outstanding Graduate Students from MOST (科技部補助大專院校培育優秀博士生獎學金). Amazing!
Aug 2020: One more future PhD! Fei-Yang re-joined our lab as a PhD student! Hope you enjoy your journey in science with us!
May 2020: Tsu-Yi received a full scholarship from Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Congratulations!
May 2020: Our work "Lifespan regulation in α/β posterior neurons of the fly mushroom bodies by Rab27" by Lenny Lien et al. was published on Aging cell! Fantastic!
Mar 2019: Tsu-Yi successfully presented her poster "Autophagy reduces reactive oxygen species in neurodegeneration caused by dihydroceramide accumulation" in 2019 Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Dallas, Texas, USA. Good job!
Mar 2019: Fei-Yang talked in the podium about our story "infertile crescent regulates ROS genesis through Rac1-Nox axis for neuronal maintenance" in the Cell Death and Cell Stress session at 2019 Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Dallas, Texas, USA. Amazing talk!
Mar 2019: Yi-Jhan was selected for a platform talk "Neuronal Regulation of Lifespan Extension by rab27 in Drosophila mushroom body" in the Physiology, Metabolism and Aging II session at 2019 Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Dallas, Texas, USA. Nice!
Oct 2018: Fei-Yang and Tsu-Yi won a Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology Conference Fellowship to 2019 Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Apr 2018: CC was invited to talk at the 2018 Asian Society for Aging Research Conference at Jeju, Korea. How fun!
Apr 2018: Lenny was granted travel fund from MOST to the 2018 Asian Society for Aging Research Conference at Jeju, Korea. Great!
Apr 2018: CC was invited to talk at the NeuroSeminar at Freie Universitat Berlin. How exciting!
Apr 2018: Chung-Chih won the first place of Master thesis competition in the College (研究生優秀論文 碩士班傑出獎)! Excellent!
Mar 2018: More PhD admission! Chung-Chih Liu accepts an offer from the PhD program at Scripps Research Institute, USA (among many other offers from prestigious schools). Woohoo!
Mar 2018: PhD admission! Chung-Kuan Chen was accepted by the PhD program in Biomedical Science, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences at Tsukuba University, Japan. Sweet!
Dec 2017: CC won the young researcher award from 青杏醫學文教基金會. What an honor!
Oct 2017: CC was invited for a talk at 2017 Cutting-Edge Biological Science and Technology Encounter held at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Korea. What a pleasure!
Sep 2017: One Master's student, Yi-Jhan, joined the lab. Welcome to the big family!
July 2017: Our work on the "Differential protective effects of connective tissue growth factor against Abata neurotoxicity on neurons and glia" by Cheng-Ning Yang et al. was published on Human Molecular Genetics. Woohoo!
July 2017: Yu-Lian Yu successfully defended her thesis and received the Master's degree in Science. Good job!
June 2017: Yu-Lian was granted travel fund to the 8th International Symposium on Autophagy at Nara, Japan. Excellent!
May 2017: Paper accepted! Jung, Liu et al. "Lipophagy prevents activity‐dependent neurodegeneration due to dihydroceramide accumulation in vivo" on EMBO reports. Hard work paid off! Hooray!
April 2017: Yu-Han won the fellowship of MOST-DAAD Summer Institute Programme. She will visit Dr. Robin Hiesinger's lab at Berlin, Germany. How exciting!
Oct 2016: He is back! Chung-Chih re-joined the gang as a research assistant. After the military service, his passion for the flies has recalled him to science! Good choice!
August 2016: Master's student Yu-Han Yeh, Summer student Woody Lee, and Research Assistant Chia-Chun Ho joined the lab. Welcome to the gang!
July 2016: Lenny, Yu-Chin, and Tzu-Yuan were all granted travel fund to the Allied Genetics 2016 Conference at Orlando USA. Congrats!
June 2016: More Masters of Science from the lab. Yu-Chin Chang successfully defended her thesis. Congrats.
May 2016: Jonathan Wilson was selected for the Undergrad Research Grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology. Congrats!
April 2016: PhD admission! Wei-Hung Jung was accepted by the PhD Program of Mechanical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Congrats!
March 2016: Wen-Chun Lo successfully defended her thesis! She has received the Master's degree in Science. Congrats!
September 2015: Master's Students, Yu-Lian Yu and Tzu-Yuan Chen, and Research Assistants, Soo-Wah Gan and Ching-Chin Chang, joined the lab. Welcome to the gang!
June 2015: Chung-Chih Liu and Yu-Ting Chen successfully defended their theses! Both have received their Master's degrees in Science. Congrats!
April 2015: He did it again! Chung-Chih Liu won Third Place in the 2015 Biomedical Molecular Imaging Competition of National Taiwan University. Congrats!
April 2015: PhD admission! Shih-Ching Lin was accepted by the Integrative Molecular and Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (IMBS) at Baylor College of Medicine. Congrats.
December 2014: Wen-Yu Lien received a fellowship for PhD students from Macau! Congrats!
October 2014: Lin et al., Review on the Strategies for Gene Disruption in Drosophila. Cell & Bioscience
August 2014: PhD student Yu-Chien Hung and Master's student Yu-Chin Chang joined the lab. Welcome to the gang!
June 2014: Cheng-Wen Hsieh and Wei-Hung Jung successfully defended their theses! The gentlemen have both received their Master's degrees in Science. Congrats!
May 2014: Ming-Hsuan Lu was selected for the Undergrad Research Grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology. Congrats!
May 2014: Chung-Chih Liu won Honorable Mention in the 2014 Biomedical Molecular Imaging Competition of National Taiwan University. Congrats!
March 2014: Chung-Chih Liu and Wei-Hung Jung were granted travel funds from National Taiwan University to present posters in the Annual Drosophila Research Conference at San Diego USA. Congrats!
February 2014: Ming-Hsuan Lu was accepted by The Summer Research Program in Life Sciences and Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Congrats!
February 2014: Wei-Hung Jung was selected by the National Science Council for a travel grant to the Annual Drosophila Research Conference at San Diego USA. Congrats!
Education and Training
Degree Institute Field of Study
Ph.D. UT Southwestern Medical Center Genetics & Development
M.S. National Taiwan University Physiology
B.S. National Taiwan University Zoology
Professional Experience
2018-22 Associate Professor
2012-18 Assistant Professor
2008-12 Postdoctoral Fellow, Lab of Robin Hiesinger, Ph.D. Department of Physiology, UT Southwestern, USA
Honors and Awards
2023-26 學術勵進青年講座
2021, 2022 Excellent Performance 績優教師
2017 青杏醫學獎
2012-15 科技部補助延攬特殊優秀人才
The Chan Neurogenetics Laboratory
Research Interest
Our lab studies the cell biology of the neuron. Using the fruit flies Drosophila as a test tube, we focus on 2 major areas: one is to investigate the function of the intracellular membrane trafficking machinery and sphingolipid-modifying enzymes in the brain, and the other is to model neurodegenerative diseases (PD, CMT, SCA, etc) when a new disease variant is identified from patients.
Principal Investigator
Chih-Chiang Chan, PhD
email: chancc1@ntu.edu.tw
Dr. Lie Zheng
Graduate Students:
Fei-Yang Tzou (PhD Program)
Jui-Yu Yeh (PhD Program)
Jeng-Lin Li (PhD Program)
Wan-Syuan Lin (PhD Program)
Cheng-Li Hong (PhD Program)
Kai-Hung Chen (PhD Program)
Yu-Jung Tsao (Master's Program)
Yu-Chi Tsai (Master's Program)
Research Assistants:
Chia-Heng Hsu, BS
Yeh JY, Chao CH, Hong CL, Hung YC, Tzou FY, Hsiao CT, Li JL, Chen WJ, Chou CT, Tsai YS, Liao YC, Lin YC, Lin S, Huang SY, Kennerson M, Lee YC#, Chan CC#: A missense mutation in human INSC causes peripheral neuropathy. EMBO Molecular Medicine (2024) Accepted. (#correspondence)
Li JL, Lin TY, Chen PL, Guo TN, Huang SY, Chen CH, Lin CH, Chan CC. "Mitochondrial function and Parkinson's disease: from the perspective of the electron transport chain". Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience (2021) 315.
Tzou FY, Wen JK, Yeh JY, Huang SY, Chen GC, Chan CC. "Drosophila as a model to study autophagy in neurodegenerative diseases and digestive tract". IUBMB Life (2021) Dec 7. Online ahead of print.
Wu CY, Jhang JG, Lin WS, Chuang PH, Lin CW, Chu LA, Chiang AS, Ho HC, Chan CC, Huang SY. Dihydroceramide desaturase promotes the formation of intraluminal vesicles and inhibits autophagy to increase exosome production. iScience (2021) Nov 14;24(12):103437.
Hung YC, Huang KL, Chen PL, Li JL, Lu SHA, Chang JC, Lin HY, Lo WC, Huang SY, Lee TT, Lin TY, Imai Y, Hattori N, Liu CS, Tsai SY, Chen CH, Lin CH#, Chan CC#: UQCRC1 engages cytochrome c for neuronal apoptotic cell death. Cell Reports (2021) 36(12):109729 (#correspondence)
Tzou FY, Su TY, Lin WS, Kuo HC, Yu YL, Yeh YH, Liu CC, Kuo CH, Huang SY, Chan CC#: Dihydroceramide desaturase regulates the compartmentalization of Rac1 for neuronal oxidative stress. Cell Reports (2021) 35(2):108972 (#correspondence)
Kohrs FE, Daumann IM, Pavlovic B, Jin EJ, Kiral FR, Lin SC, Port F, Wolfenberg H, Mathejczyk TF, Linneweber GA, Chan CC, Boutros M, Hiesinger PR: Systemic functional analysis of Rab GTPases reveals limits of neuronal robustness to environmental challenges in flies. eLife (2021) 10:e59594
Lin CH, Tsai PI, Lin HY, Hattori N, Funayama M, Jeon B, Sato K, Abe K, Mukai Y, Takahashi Y, Li Y, Nishioka K, Yoshino H, Daida K, Chen ML, Cheng J, Huang CY, Tzeng SR, Wu YS, Lai HJ, Tsai HH, Yen RF, Lee NC, Lo WC, Hung YC, Chan CC, Ke YC, Chao CC, Hsieh ST, Farrer M, Wu RM: Mitochondrial UQCRC1 mutations cause autosomal dominant parkinsonism with polyneuropathy. Brain (2020) 143(11):3352-3373
Lien WY, Chen YT, Li YJ, Wu JK, Huang KL, Lin JR, Lin SC, Hou CC, Wang HD, Wu CL, Huang SY, Chan CC#: Lifespan regulation in α/β posterior neurons of the fly mushroom bodies by Rab27. Aging Cell (2020) 19(8):e13179 (#correspondence)
Lin KY, Wang WD, Lin CH, Rastegari E, Su YH, Chang YC, Chang YT, Liao YF, Pi H, Yu BY, Chen SH, Lin CY, Lu MY, Su TY, Tzou FY, Chan CC, Hsu HJ: Piwi Reduction in the Aged Niche Eliminates Germline Stem Cells via Toll-GSK3 Signaling. Nature Communications (2020) 11(1):3147
Tsai HY, Wu SC, Li JC, Chen YM, Chan CC, Chen CH: Loss of the Drosophila branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase complex (BCKDH) results in neuronal dysfunction. Disease Models and Mechanisms (2020) 13(8):dmm.044750
Ibrahim RB, Yeh SY, Lin KP, Ricardo F, Yu TY, Chan CC, Tsai JW, Liu YT: Cellular secretion and toxicity of transthyretin mutant proteins underlie late-onset amyloidosis and neurodegeneration. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2019) 77(7):1421-1434
Wen JK, Wang YT, Chan CC, Hsieh CW, Liao HM, Hung CC, Chen GC. Atg9 antagonizes TOR signaling to regulate intestinal cell growth and epithelial homeostasis in Drosophila. eLife (2017) Nov; 6:e29338
Yang CN, Wu MF, Liu CC, Jung WH, Chang YC, Lee WP, Shiao YJ, Wu CL, Liou HH, Lin SK, Chan CC#. Differential protective effects of connective tissue growth factor against Aβ neurotoxicity on neurons and glia. Human Molecular Genetics (2017) 26(20): 3909-3921 (#correspondence)
Jung WH*, Liu CC*, Yu YL, Chang YC, Lien WY, Chao HC, Huang SY, Kuo CH, Ho HC, Chan CC#. Lipophagy prevents activity-dependent neurodegeneration due to dihydroceramide accumulation in vivo. EMBO Reports (2017) 18(7):1150-1165 (#correspondence)
Tsai PC, Soong BW, Mademan I, Huang YH, Liu CR, Hsiao CT, Wu HT, Liu TT, Liu YT, Tseng YT, Lin KP, Yang YC, Chung KW, Choi BO, Nocholson GA, Kennerson ML, Chan CC, De Jonghe P, Cheng TH, Liao YC, Zuchner S, Baets J, Lee YC. A recurrent WARS mutation is a novel cause of autosomal dominant distal hereditary motor neuropathy. Brain (2017) 140(5):1252-1266.
Lin SC, Chang YY, Chan CC#. “Strategies for Gene Disruption in Drosophila.”Cell & Bioscience 4:63 (2014) 4(1):63 (#correspondence)
Cherry S*, Jin EJ*, Özel MN, Lu Z, Agi E, Wang D, Jung WH, Epstein D, Meinertzhagen IA, Chan CC#, Hiesinger PR#. “Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2B mutations in rab7 cause dosage-dependent neurodegeneration due to partial loss of function.”eLife (2013) 2:e01064 (#co-correspondence)
Wang D, Chan CC, Cherry S, Hiesinger PR. “Membrane trafficking in neuronal maintenance and degeneration.” Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2013) 70(16):2919-34
Jin EJ*, Chan CC*, Agi E, Cherry S, Hanacik E, Buszczak M, Hiesinger PR. “Similarities of Drosophila rab GTPases Based on Expression Profiling: Completion and Analysis of the rab-Gal4 Kit” PLoS One (2012) 7(7):e40912 (*equal contribution)
- Chan CC, Scoggin S, Hiesinger PR, Buszczak M. “Combining Recombineering and Ends-Out Homologous Recombination to Systematically Characterize Drosophila Gene Families: Rab GTPases as a Case Study.” Communicative and Integrative Biology (2012) 5(2):179-83
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- Chan CC, Epstein D, Hiesinger PR. “Intracellular Trafficking in Drosophila Visual System Development: a basis for pattern formation through simple mechanisms.” Developmental Neurobiology (2011) 71(12):1227-45
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- Chan CC, Zhang S, Rousset R, Wharton KA Jr. “Drosophila Naked cuticle (Nkd) engages the nuclear import adaptor Importin-a3 to antagonize Wnt/b-catenin signaling.” Developmental Biology (2008) 318: 17-28
- Chan CC, Zhang S, Cagatay T, Wharton KA Jr. “Cell-autonomous, myristyl-independent activity of the Drosophila Wnt/Wingless antagonist Naked cuticle (Nkd).” Developmental Biology (2007) 311: 538-553
- Waldrop S, Chan CC, Cagatay T, Zhang S, Rousset R, Mack J, Zeng W, Fish M, Zhang M, Amanai M, Wharton KA Jr. “An unconventional nuclear localization motif is crucial for function of the Drosophila Wnt/Wingless antagonist Naked cuticle.” Genetics (2006) 174: 331-348
- Wu ML, Chan CC, Su MJ. “Possible mechanism(s) of arachidonic acid-induced intracellular acidosis in rat cardiac myocytes.” Circulation Research (2000) 86(3): e55-62
- Wan-Syuan Lin (PhD student)
Scholarship for Diligence Doctoral Students (勤學博士生獎學金), 2023
- Jui-Yu Yeh (PhD student)
Scholarship for Cultivating Outstanding Graduate Students (科技部補助大專院校培育優秀博士生獎學金), 2022
2nd Place, Poster Presentation Contest, 35th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science (JACBS) (第35屆生醫年會壁報論文競賽第二名), 2021
- Cheng-Li Hong (Master Degree)
Oral Presentation Reward, 1st Mini-symposium on Membrane Trafficking and Remodeling (第1屆細胞膜運輸與重塑研討會 口頭報告優秀獎), 2022
- Fei-Yang Tzou (PhD student)
Young Investigator Award for Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Science (中華民國兒童神經精神科學 勵翔獎), 2022
Honor Prize (博士班優等獎), Research Award for Outstanding Works, National Taiwan University College of Medicine (臺大醫學院研究生優秀著作獎 - 優等獎), 2021
1st Place, Oral Presentation Contest, 35th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science (JACBS) (第35屆生醫年會口頭論文競賽第一名), 2021
Scholarship for Cultivating Outstanding Graduate Students (科技部補助大專院校培育優秀博士生獎學金), 2020
- Yu-Chien Hung (PhD student)
Honor Prize (博士班優等獎), Research Award for Outstanding Works, National Taiwan University College of Medicine (臺大醫學院研究生優秀著作獎 - 優等獎), 2021
Scholarship for Outstanding Performance, National Taiwan University (台灣大學學生傑出表現獎學金), 2021
- Wen-Yu Lien (PhD student)
Honor Prize (博士班優等獎), Research Award for Outstanding Works, National Taiwan University College of Medicine (臺大醫學院研究生優秀著作獎 - 優等獎), 2020
Scholarship for Outstanding Performance, National Taiwan University (台灣大學學生傑出表現獎學金), 2020
Macau Scholar for Graduate Students (澳門獎學金), 2015
- Chung-Chih Liu
Outstanding Prize (碩士班傑出獎), Research Award for Outstanding Works, National Taiwan University College of Medicine (臺大醫學院研究生優秀著作獎), 2018
- Wei-Hung Jung
Poster Award, 2nd Asia-Pacific Drosophila Research Conference, Korea, 2013
陳楷鴻 Kai-Hung Chen (Master's student)
- National Science and Technology Council Graduate Research Fellowship (國家科學及技術委員會博士生研究獎學金), 2024
蕭翊 Yi Hsiao (Master's student)
葉馨淳 Hsin-Chun Yeh (Master's student)
林琬璇 Wan-Syuan Lin (Master's student)
洪呈瀝 Cheng-Li Hong (Master's student)
洪瑜謙 Yu-Chen Hung (PhD)
- Scholarship for Outstanding Performance, National Taiwan University (台灣大學學生傑出表現獎學金), 2021
- Honor Prize (博士班優等獎), Research Award for Outstanding Works, National Taiwan University College of Medicine (臺大醫學院研究生優秀著作獎 - 優等獎), 2021
黃冠霖 Kuan-Lin Huang (Master's student)
葉芮妤 Jui-Yu Yeh (Master's student)
郭亭妮 Ting-Ni Guo (Master's student)
連文瑜 Lenny Wen-Yu Lien (First PhD from the lab)
- Honor Prize (博士班優等獎), Research Award for Outstanding Works, National Taiwan University College of Medicine (臺大醫學院研究生優秀著作獎 - 優等獎), 2020
- Scholarship for Outstanding Performance, National Taiwan University (台灣大學學生傑出表現獎學金), 2020
- Macau Scholar for Graduate Students (澳門獎學金), 2015
李易展 Yi-Jhan Li (Master's student)
林志維 Chih-Wei Lin (Master's student)
吳貞儀 Chen-Yi Wu (Master's student 2018-20, Research Assistant 2020)
劉子聰 Chi-Chong Lau (Research Assistant)
蘇祖儀 Franca Tsu-Yi Su (Research Assistant), now a PhD student at Karolinska Institute in Sweden
張之綱 Jhih-Gang Jhang (Masters student)
葉宇涵 Yu-Han Yeh (Masters student)
陳忠寬 Chung-Kuan Chen (Research Assistant ), now a PhD student at Tsukuba University
游宇蓮 Yu-Lian Yu (Master's student)
劉中致 Chung-Chih Liu (Master's student 2013-5; Research Assistant 2016-7), now a PhD student at Scripps Research
- Outstanding Prize (碩士班傑出獎), Research Award for Outstanding Works, National Taiwan University College of Medicine (臺大醫學院研究生優秀著作獎), 2018
侯佳君 Chia-Chun Hou, undergrad student
顏主恩 Jonathan Wilson, undergrad stdent
羅文君 Wen-Chun Lo (Master's student)
李勁宏 Woody Lee, summer student, now a medical student at NTU
張毓秦 Yu-Chin Chang (Master's student)
榮偉宏 Wei-Hung Jung (Master's student 2012-4; Research Assistant), now a PhD student at Johns Hopkins University
陳玉庭 Yu-Ting Chen (Master's student), now Assistant Researcher at TPG Biologics
林世青 Shih-Ching Lin (Research Assistant), now a PhD student at Baylor College of Medicine
Rose Kang, summer student from UC Berkeley
呂明軒 Ming-Hsuan Lu, summer student, now a medical student at NTU
謝承彣 Cheng-Wen Hsieh (Masters student)
林建融 Jian-Rong Lin (Research Assistant), now a high school teacher
Actively recruiting! Nerds of fly biology wanted!